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THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM Programme of Study. Aims  Develop your understanding of :  The content, structure and aims of the NC  The broader aims of the.

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Presentation on theme: "THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM Programme of Study. Aims  Develop your understanding of :  The content, structure and aims of the NC  The broader aims of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aims  Develop your understanding of :  The content, structure and aims of the NC  The broader aims of the NC  How these concepts form the basis of your future lesson planning  How these concepts underpin the discussion of pedagogic issues throughout the course.  Demonstrate the use of Assessment for learning strategies.

3 Introduction to the National Curriculum 9.30 -4.30pm

4 Overview  Part 1 - What is the NC?  Why have a NC? - Advantages and Disadvantages of the NC  Part 2 - Brief History of British Education System  Background to development of NC  Recent changes to NC - Curriculum Review  Part 3 - Overview of NC for MFL  Content and aims – what contribution to MFL make to the NC?  Part 4 - Programmes of Study

5 Part 1 Task 1 – Group Discussion What is the national Curriculum? What do you think the curriculum should be for? (purpose) What do you think the broad and narrow aims of the NC are? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a NC? What other National Curriula do you know of?

6 What is the National Curriculum?  The National Curriculum subjects for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 are set out in section 84 of the Education Act 2002.  Religious education must be provided to all pupils on the school roll, unless withdrawn by their parents.  Who does the NC apply to?  Maintained schools are required to follow the locally agreed syllabus approved by their local authority.  Secondary schools must also provide sex education to pupils unless withdrawn by their parents.

7 National Curriculum National Curriculum – controversial issue  ‘The Curriculum is what school is for. Whatever other functions and purposes the school may serve. What it sets out to teach and what it does are at the heart of its existence (Mike Golby in Moon et al.)  ‘A national curriculum sets out the body of knowledge, skills and understanding that a society wishes to pass on to its children and young people.’ Houses of Parliament – Children, Schools and Family Committee. Report of 4 th session.  cmselect/cmchilsch/344/344i.pdf

8  ‘Education both influences and reflects the values of our society, and the kind of society we want to be. It is therefore important to recognise a set of common aims, values and purposes that underpin the curriculum and the work of schools.  The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school plans for its pupils. The National Curriculum is an important element of the school curriculum’ (Department for Education) curriculum/b00199676/aims-values-and-purposes/aims

9 Aims of the Curriculum The curriculum should enable all young people to become: successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.(Department for Education) g/curriculum/b00199676/aims-values-and- purposes/aims

10 Advantages  Standardisation across the country  Provide an entitlement for all children – irrespective of differences in background, gender, ability, culture, race.  Continuity/progression  Public confidence



13 Disadvantages  Overly prescriptive  Inflexible  Lack of freedom Practitioners and policy makers may differ about how much to teach and what to focus on. 

14 Content, structure and aims The revised National Curriculum 2007

15 The National curriculum  How is the NC structured?  Who does it apply to?  What subjects are taught?

16 How is the NC organised?

17 Statutory subjects at KS3 Art and design Citizenship English ICT * Geography History MFL Music PE Science Statutory at KS4 Citizenship English ICT Mathematics PE Science

18 Structure of NC  Programme of Study – guidance on what and how  Attainment targets –  For MFL Attainment targets are the four skill areas  Listening and Responding  Speaking  Reading and responding  Writing  Levels of attainment – NC levels 1-8 + EP

19 Part 1 – Assessment for Learning

20 Thumbs  I get it  Sort of – half way there...  I don’t get it   +Teach+Meet+(1).ppt Lesley Ann McDermott

21 Quiz - Can you match up these events with the relevant dates/time periods?  Can you match up these events with the relevant dates/time periods?  Introduction of the GCSE exams  Education Act (re Sp. Needs)  Education Reform Act  Comprehensive schools introduced  Grammar and secondary modern schools introduced  NC revisions from Year 7  1944  1960s/1970s  1981  1986  1988  2008

22 History of the Education System Butler Act 1944 1960s/70s Comprehensive schools 1981 Education Act 1986 GCSEs introduced 1988 Education Reform Act

23 The Butler Act - 1944  Landmark social and welfare reform –  Country still at war – access to education limited.  1938 – 1/5 children –formal education after 14. Free milk, medical exams, transport paid by LA. Focus on whole child (Bell, 2004)  introduced grammar and secondary modern schools (11+ )  Also technical schools (few of these)  Two-tier system  Grammar schools – 11+ exam  Secondary modern – less academic focus  Schools required to contribute to social, moral and mental and physical development.

24 Comprehensive schooling 1960s/70s  Attempts to make the system more equitable.  All in the same school – no exam. (Special schools for those with physical disabilities and learning difficulties) Students – ‘banded’ or ‘streamed’.

25 1981 Education Act  Baroness Warnock reviewed education of children with special educational needs.  Made a number of recommendations which were embodies in the 1981 Act

26 GCSE replaces ‘ O’ levels  General Certificate of Secondary Education – previous dual system replaced. (GCE/CSE)  Modular format/possiblity to re-take modules  Continual assessment  Coursework  Pass rates continually going up (except 2012)  Exams ‘too easy’?  New proposed changes – exam  New single exam qualification -2015 (Govelevel!)  First exams in 2017

27 1988 Education Reform Act  Introduced National Curriculum  Before 1988 Religious Education (RE) as the only compulsory subject.  NC made three core subjects compulsory  English, Maths and Science 7 Foundation subjects: Art, geography, history, physical education, technology and in secondary schools only MFL

28 Background to introduction of NC  Perception that standards were falling (‘trendy’ teachers doing their own thing)  Tories in power –return to traditional values  Government mistrust of local management of curriculum content (LEA and schools).  Greater transparency/consistency (centralisation of curriculum and assessment )  Greater parental choice, higher quality (pressures of market economy)  1999 curriculum revised – more focus on language structure and attainment levels.

29 Revised National Curriculum Main changes  No restrictions on languages taught  Emphasis on developing pupils’ creativity and cultural aspects  Encouragement to link with other areas of the curriculum

30 Thumbs  I get it  Sort of – half way there...  I don’t get it   Check class understanding of what you are teaching by asking them to show their thumbs. Lesley Ann McDermott

31 What is MFL’s unique contribution to the NC? Think, Pair Share! (AFL) Think about the question above and then discuss with a partner. Then discuss with another pair/group.

32 Unique contribution of MFL to NC  Cultural awareness  Language awareness  School trips (Lawes, 2000)  Important for inclusion:  Learning another language is a good way to make sure that tolerance, respect and understanding among people are not lost in translation (Davis, Strasbourg, 24/9/2004)  Secretary General, Council of Europe

33 Unique contribution of MFL to NC  Citizenship  ‘...language competence and intercultural understanding are not optional extras, they are an essential part of being a citizen (DfES. 2002:5)  McColl (2005) –Year of People with disabilities – no groups of young people who should be denied access to foreign language learning because it is in their ‘better interests ‘.(McColl, 2005:1)

34 Student created problems  Students in pairs/groups pose a question for the class to answer – write it on mini whiteboards or post its.  At end of the lesson take the questions and ask other groups to answer them.  Students in groups then work on answers –  Groups feedback to class with answers.

35 Programmes of Study Modern Foreign Languages

36 Key Concepts Key Concepts Key Processes Range and Content Curriculum Opportunities

37 Modifications  2002 – Citizenship statutory  2003 –MFL and Design and Technology disapplied at KS4 – no longer compulsory but schools must have facility to offer them as ‘entitlement areas’.  Schools may make them compulsory if they wish.  Consequences of entitlement - massive drop in take up  RE can be built into KS4 Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE).  Citizenship not necessarily taught as separate subject (in PSHE, through other subjects/assemblies).  GCSE most commonly taken exam – KS4 GNVQ

38 Group work Task – Each group studies a different heading. Prepare a poster presentation to summarise and present the key aspects of each heading.  Key concepts  Key process  Range and content  Curriculum Opportunities

39 Group work  Design an activity for each element of the POS heading you have been given  Key concepts  Key process  Range and content  Curriculum Opportunities  Each group to present activities at plenary

40 Review  Two things I found useful today/learned today  Something I would like to find out more about  A question

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