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E verlasting. C reative R easoning E mpathic A ctive T enacious E verlasting Creative thinking (lateral thinking) Generating ideas Problem solving Enquiring.

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Presentation on theme: "E verlasting. C reative R easoning E mpathic A ctive T enacious E verlasting Creative thinking (lateral thinking) Generating ideas Problem solving Enquiring."— Presentation transcript:

1 E verlasting

2 C reative R easoning E mpathic A ctive T enacious E verlasting Creative thinking (lateral thinking) Generating ideas Problem solving Enquiring – asking questions Taking calculated risks Analysing Drafting Self – assessing Evaluating work Summarising Problem solving Decision making – Justifying Using logic Categorising Organising thinking Making connections Communicating Cooperating Speaking and listening (well) Group working Team building / leading Group decision making Group creative thinking Empathising Collaborating Showing Independence Being attentive Noticing Managing time Responding with confidence Researching Identifying key points Concluding Note taking Prioritising Organising of self Taking calculated risks Persevering Thinking through ideas Being able to cope with mistakes and setbacks Being positive Coping strategies when the going gets tough Having a growth mindset Sustaining momentum Having goals Effectively using memory Developing ICT Revising (well) Self-Evaluating Transferring skills Being resilient Being aware of Learning how to learn Learning 2 Learn: We aim for all learners to be:


4 E verlasting Effectively using memory skills Developing learning styles Revising (well) Self-evaluating Transferring skills Developing personal study skills

5 And again! touch your left ear with your right hand cross your right leg over your left leg look at the person on your left say the numbers 357986421. 357986421


7 Doing something actively whilst try to take in new information and then keep it there is widely thought to be much more effective that listening on its own. This additional activity serves as a ‘fixing agent’ and we have a higher chance of remembering the information. This could be: 1. Taking notes of key words 2. Organising the material by finding patterns 3. Putting the key pieces of information into a story 4. Repeating the key words in a distinctive way to yourself 5. Making anagrams yourself of the key words and making yourself work them out again The KEY is ELABORATION – making your brain work the knowledge – training the memory muscle


9 Elephants eat 72 to 158 kilograms of food each day. Baby elephants, called calves, weigh around 90 kilograms at birth. Elephant tusks are made of dentine, calcium and salt. The average lifespan of an elephant is 80 years. Elephants use more than 70 voice signals and 160 visual signals for daily communication. Elephants have the largest brains by mass of all mammals, weighing in at a hefty 10.5 pounds (4.7 kilograms) for an adult

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