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Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Theoretical advancement in economic geography by engaged pluralism Robert Hassink Dept. of Geography, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Theoretical advancement in economic geography by engaged pluralism Robert Hassink Dept. of Geography, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Theoretical advancement in economic geography by engaged pluralism Robert Hassink Dept. of Geography, University of Kiel, Germany

2 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Fragmented vs. engaged pluralism (Barnes & Sheppard 2010)

3 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Evolutionary economic geography analyses and explains “the processes by which the economic landscape – the spatial organisation of economic production, circulation, exchange, distribution and consumption – is transformed from within over time” (Boschma & Martin 2010, 6). “why it is that some regional economies become locked into development paths that lose dynamism, whilst other regional economies seem able to avoid this danger” (Martin & Sunley 2006, 395)

4 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Aim: advancing evolutionary economic geography by reviewing its core critique and proposed solutions, particularly that of geographical political economy.

5 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink 1.Introduction 2.Evolutionary economic geography 3.Critique 4.Alternative paradigms 5.Empirical reflection: locked in decline? 6.Conclusions

6 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Source: Boschma & Frenken 2006

7 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Evolutionary concepts and notes: Path dependence and lock-ins, Related and unrelated variety, Co-evolution, Sunk costs, Cluster life cycles.

8 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink ‘‘A path-dependent process or system is one whose outcome evolves as a consequence of the process’s or system’s own history’’ (Martin & Sunley, 2006, 399) Path dependence is not past dependence; it is rather a contingent process ‘‘Lock-in is this notion that most fully captures the idea that the combination of historical contingency and the emergence of self-reinforcing effects, steers a technology, industry or regional economy along one ‘path’ rather than another’’ (Martin 2010, 3)

9 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Source: Boschma & Frenken 2006

10 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Source: Boschma & Frenken 2006

11 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink 3. Critique Pike et al 2009, MacKinnon et al 2009: importance attached to institutions 2.under-conceptualized notion of social agency and power 3.neglected multi-scalar interrelatedness and embeddedness of firms

12 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Source: Hassink & Klaerding 2012

13 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink 4. Alternative paradigms Geographical political economy Institutional economic geography Relational economic geography

14 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink 5. Empirical reflection: locked in decline? Hassink, R. (2010) Locked in decline? On the role of regional lock-ins in old industrial areas. The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, 450. "When the wind of change blows, some build walls, others build windmills“ 当风向改变时, 有的人筑墙, 有的人造风车 Chinese proverb

15 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink



18 Monostructure despite strong de-industrialisation after reunification All yards are part of larger concern Strong competition with East Asian shipyards Strong state support (federal state, Land, EU) to modernise production capacities (3 billion €, 500,000 € per job) => capacity limitation

19 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink



22 yards Yard cities State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Shipbuilding Association Federal government Local trade unions European Commission European Shipbuilding Association

23 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Lobby:  Against capacity limitation  Against alleged dumping prices of Korean yards Results:  Capacity limitations have become less strict  WTO case and due to that allowance of subsidies (84 million €)

24 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Westmünsterland History cross-border textile region since the 19th Century impulses from Twente (the Netherlands) early 1960s about 75% of manufacturing employment in the textile industry crisis and de-industrialisation

25 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Political reactions Little protest against plant closures => “quiet” restructuring due to the lack of lock- ins: few subsidies support for new industry entrepreneur Schmitz

26 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Company reactions Technical textiles: Examples: car industry, medical technology, fishery, road and railroad construction, agriculture

27 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Daegu History genesis during colonial period strong growth during 1960s/1970s (targeted industry) natural fibres => synthetic fibres crisis and de-industrialisation

28 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Political reactions Milano-Project 1999-2003 Strongly subsidised: € 650 mill. Kim Dae-Jung’s official pledge ( 공약 ) & regionalism Aim:

29 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Fashion industry Upgrading textile Exhibitions Problems: Conflicts Gap

30 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink Adjustment / renewal Lock-insDominant impact factors Mecklenburg- Vorpommern AdjustmentStrong at several spatial levels Both economic- structural and political- institutional factors WestmünsterlandRenewalWeakBoth economic- structural and specific regional political- institutional factors DaeguAdjustmentStrong at local level Political-institutional impact factors dominate

31 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink 6. Conclusions Evolutionary economic geography has some clear and powerful theoretical notions In order to overcome shortcomings in favour of engaged pluralism => incorporating institutional and relational economic geography => evolutionary economic geography as a pluralistic project In favour of theoretical stability

32 Vaasa, October 25th 2013 Robert Hassink kiitos! tusen tack!

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