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Maurice Duggins, MD Associate Professor Family Medicine Associate Director VCFM Residency Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Maurice Duggins, MD Associate Professor Family Medicine Associate Director VCFM Residency Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maurice Duggins, MD Associate Professor Family Medicine Associate Director VCFM Residency Program

2 Knowing Your Numbers  Why is it important to know your numbers?  What numbers are important?

3 Knowing Your Numbers  The number one killer in the USA is Cardiovascular Disease(CVD).  1 in every 3 adults has heart disease.  Approximately 82 million people!  CVD Kills more each year than the next two top killer diseases.  So what are the risk factors for CVD?

4 Knowing Your Numbers  Over 800,000 Americans die from CVD yearly. 1  More Women from Heart Disease than Breast Cancer.


6 Cardiovascular Disease Jingle

7 Knowing Your Numbers  Life Expectancy in the USA is 78.5 years.  Heart Disease #1  Cancer #2  Chronic Lung Disease #3  Stroke #4  Diabetes #6

8 Obesity(BMI)  What is obesity?  Epidemic in the USA  30% Obese  64% Overweight  Kansas currently Rank 16 th in USA

9 Body Mass Index (BMI)  Optimal BMI  Normal BMI  Pre-Obesity  Obesity 18  18 to 24 kg/m 2  25-29 kg/m 2  > 30 kg/m 2

10 Body Mass Index (BMI)   This Calculates your BMI using Feet, Inches, and Pounds.  There’s an App for that: Fitter Fitness calculator(free)

11 Hypertension(Blood Pressure)  Silent Killer (CAD, CVA, CHF, Kidney Failure)  High Blood Pressure(HBP)  Primary, Essential, or Idiopathic  Secondary  Malignant  Pressure is measured in mmhg

12 Hypertension(Blood Pressure)  Two Components. What are they?  Systolic Blood Pressure (top number)  Diastolic Blood Pressure (bottom number)  E.g. 130/80  Both top and bottom numbers are important.

13 Hypertension(Blood Pressure)  Optimal Blood Pressure  Normal Blood Pressure  Pre-hypertension  Hypertension  <120/80  110/75 to 120/80  121/81 to 139/89  >140/90

14 Hypertension(Blood Pressure)  Check your blood pressure regularly.  Keep a record for yourself to show your physician.  Remember blood pressure fluctuates through out the day.

15 Diabetes(High Blood Sugar)  About 18 million Americans diagnosed.  About 7 million Americans Undiagnosed.  Leading cause of adult blindness.  Leading cause of Kidney Failure.  Classic signs are increased hunger, thirst, and urination.

16 Diabetes(High Blood Sugar)  Optimal Blood Sugar  Normal Blood Sugar  Pre-Diabetes  Diabetes  <100  80 to 100  101 to 125  > 126

17 Diabetes(High Blood Sugar)  Family history is very predictive.  Screening should start at age 20 and sooner if risk factors or signs /symptoms present.

18 Cholesterol(High Blood Lipids)  Cholesterol is needed by everyBODY.  Break cholesterol into its parts:  LDL(L ow density lipid)  HDL(High density lipid)  No signs or symptoms- Usually.

19 Cholesterol(High Blood Lipids)  Optimal LDL  Normal LDL  Borderline LDL  High LDL  70  <130mg/dl  131 to 160mg/dl  > 160

20 Cholesterol(High Blood Lipids)  Two- thirds of Americans don’t know their cholesterol level.  It’s a major contributor to CVD.  Screening should be done starting at age 20 then every 1 to 5 years thereafter.

21 Triglycerides(Blood Fat)  Optimal Triglycerides  Normal Triglycerides  High Triglycerides  <150  150-199mg/dl  200-499 mg/dl

22 Triglycerides(Blood Fat)  Complex of lipoproteins.  Independent risk factor for CVD.  Screening is done when cholesterol or lipid panel is done.  Triglyceride > 200 use Non-HDL Level.  Non-HDL = Total Choles. – HDL Level.  Non-HDL goal <130

23 Tachycardia(High Heart Rate)  BMI  Diabetes  Hypertension  LDL Cholesterol  Non-HDL Level  <30  <100  <120  <100  <130

24 RESPONSE  1. Increase physical Activity most day.  >120 minutes a week  2. Eat Healthy most days.  High Fiber,Fruits, Vegetable  3. Quit Smoking.  # to know: ZERO cigarette  4. Make these numbers your goal.

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