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Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O2 in the plasma b. Low levels of.

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Presentation on theme: "Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O2 in the plasma b. Low levels of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O2 in the plasma b. Low levels of freely diffused CO2 in the plasma c. Low levels of HCO3- in the plasma d. High levels of hemoglobin-bound O2 in blood erythrocytes Q2. An increase in either temperature or salinity will cause _______ in the solubility of a gas in an aqueous solution a. No change b. An increase c. A decrease Q3. Severing sensory feedback completely inhibits synchronized wing beating in the locust a. TRUE b. FALSE Q4. The PO2 in the alveoli is the same as the PO2 of air at sea level. a. TRUE b. FALSE Q5. The O2 partial pressure of freshly oxygenated blood in the lungs is sufficient for near-saturation of hemoglobin a. TRUE b. FALSE Q6. The diffusion of molecules between gaseous and aqueous phases is primarily governed by a. Concentration gradient b. Electrochemical gradient c. Partial pressure gradient

2 Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O 2 in the plasma b. Low levels of freely diffused CO 2 in the plasma c. Low levels of HCO 3 - in the plasma d. High levels of hemoglobin-bound O 2 in blood erythrocytes Q2. An increase in either temperature or salinity will cause _______ in the solubility of a gas in an aqueous solution a. No change b. An increase c. A decrease Q3. Severing sensory feedback completely inhibits synchronized wing beating in the locust a. TRUE b. FALSE

3 Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O 2 in the plasma b. Low levels of freely diffused CO 2 in the plasma c. Low levels of HCO 3 - in the plasma d. High levels of hemoglobin-bound O 2 in blood erythrocytes Q2. An increase in either temperature or salinity will cause _______ in the solubility of a gas in an aqueous solution a. No change b. An increase c. A decrease Q3. Severing sensory feedback completely inhibits synchronized wing beating in the locust a. TRUE b. FALSE Unscrew soda cap…

4 Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O 2 in the plasma b. Low levels of freely diffused CO 2 in the plasma c. Low levels of HCO 3 - in the plasma d. High levels of hemoglobin-bound O 2 in blood erythrocytes Q2. An increase in either temperature or salinity will cause _______ in the solubility of a gas in an aqueous solution a. No change b. An increase c. A decrease Q3. Severing sensory feedback completely inhibits synchronized wing beating in the locust a. TRUE b. FALSE Q28. Which of the following is NOT true of arteries a. They possess lumen valves b. They are elastic c. They have thick smooth muscle walls d. They are a key site of gas exchange e. b and d f. a and d Q29. The O 2 partial pressure of freshly oxygenated blood in the lungs is sufficient for near-saturation of hemoglobin a. TRUE b. FALSE Q30. Blood flow is more rapid down the central axis of a blood vessel than it is near the vessel walls a. TRUE b. FALSE Up down Up down Up down Up down Proprioceptors severed

5 Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O 2 in the plasma b. Low levels of freely diffused CO 2 in the plasma c. Low levels of HCO 3 - in the plasma d. High levels of hemoglobin-bound O 2 in blood erythrocytes Q2. An increase in either temperature or salinity will cause _______ in the solubility of a gas in an aqueous solution a. No change b. An increase c. A decrease Q3. Severing sensory feedback completely inhibits synchronized wing beating in the locust a. TRUE b. FALSE Q4. The PO2 in the alveoli is the same as the PO2 of air at sea level. a. TRUE b. FALSE Q5. The O2 partial pressure of freshly oxygenated blood in the lungs is sufficient for near-saturation of hemoglobin a. TRUE b. FALSE Q6. The diffusion of molecules between gaseous and aqueous phases is primarily governed by a. Concentration gradient b. Electrochemical gradient c. Partial pressure gradient

6 Q4. The PO2 in the alveoli is the same as the PO2 of air at sea level. a. TRUE b. FALSE Q5. The O2 partial pressure of freshly oxygenated blood in the lungs is sufficient for near-saturation of hemoglobin a. TRUE b. FALSE Q6. The diffusion of molecules between gaseous and aqueous phases is primarily governed by a. Concentration gradient b. Electrochemical gradient c. Partial pressure gradient

7 Q4. The PO2 in the alveoli is the same as the PO2 of air at sea level. a. TRUE b. FALSE Q5. The O2 partial pressure of freshly oxygenated blood in the lungs is sufficient for near-saturation of hemoglobin a. TRUE b. FALSE Q6. The diffusion of molecules between gaseous and aqueous phases is primarily governed by a. Concentration gradient b. Electrochemical gradient c. Partial pressure gradient

8 Q1. Carbonic anhydrase activity is primarily responsible for which of the following a. Low levels of freely diffused O 2 in the plasma b. Low levels of freely diffused CO 2 in the plasma c. Low levels of HCO 3 - in the plasma d. High levels of hemoglobin-bound O 2 in blood erythrocytes Q2. An increase in either temperature or salinity will cause _______ in the solubility of a gas in an aqueous solution a. No change b. An increase c. A decrease Q3. Severing sensory feedback completely inhibits synchronized wing beating in the locust a. TRUE b. FALSE Q4. The PO2 in the alveoli is the same as the PO2 of air at sea level. a. TRUE b. FALSE Q5. The O2 partial pressure of freshly oxygenated blood in the lungs is sufficient for near-saturation of hemoglobin a. TRUE b. FALSE Q6. The diffusion of molecules between gaseous and aqueous phases is primarily governed by a. Concentration gradient b. Electrochemical gradient c. Partial pressure gradient

9 Q7. Gas transport across the fish gill involves which of the following processes? a. Cocurrent exchange b. Tidal exchange c. Cross-current exchange d. Countercurrent exchange Q8. In contrast to the Ideal Gas Law, Henry’s Law take into account which property of a gas that is in contact with a liquid solution? a. Solubility b. Partial pressure c. Concentration gradient d. Electrochemical potential Q9. O2 in the air is transported to the alveoli primarily by a. Passive diffusion b. Active primary transport c. Convection d. Conduction Q10. Passive diffusion alone is sufficient for fish to obtain O2 from the surrounding water, convection is not required. a. TRUE b. FALSE

10 Q7. Gas transport across the fish gill involves which of the following processes? a. Cocurrent exchange b. Tidal exchange c. Cross-current exchange d. Countercurrent exchange Q8. In contrast to the Ideal Gas Law, Henry’s Law take into account which property of a gas that is in contact with a liquid solution? a. Solubility b. Partial pressure c. Concentration gradient d. Electrochemical potential

11 Q7. Gas transport across the fish gill involves which of the following processes? a. Cocurrent exchange b. Tidal exchange c. Cross-current exchange d. Countercurrent exchange Q8. In contrast to the Ideal Gas Law, Henry’s Law take into account which property of a gas that is in contact with a liquid solution? a. Solubility b. Partial pressure c. Concentration gradient d. Electrochemical potential PO 2 = 21 KPa [O 2 ] = 8 mmol/l [O 2 ] = 0.3 mmol/l

12 Q7. Gas transport across the fish gill involves which of the following processes? a. Cocurrent exchange b. Tidal exchange c. Cross-current exchange d. Countercurrent exchange Q8. In contrast to the Ideal Gas Law, Henry’s Law take into account which property of a gas that is in contact with a liquid solution? a. Solubility b. Partial pressure c. Concentration gradient d. Electrochemical potential Q9. O2 in the air is transported to the alveoli primarily by a. Passive diffusion b. Active primary transport c. Convection d. Conduction Q10. Passive diffusion alone is sufficient for fish to obtain O2 from the surrounding water, convection is not required. a. TRUE b. FALSE

13 Q7. Gas transport across the fish gill involves which of the following processes? a. Cocurrent exchange b. Tidal exchange c. Cross-current exchange d. Countercurrent exchange Q8. In contrast to the Ideal Gas Law, Henry’s Law take into account which property of a gas that is in contact with a liquid solution? a. Solubility b. Partial pressure c. Concentration gradient d. Electrochemical potential Q9. O2 in the air is transported to the alveoli primarily by a. Passive diffusion b. Active primary transport c. Convection d. Conduction Q10. Passive diffusion alone is sufficient for fish to obtain O2 from the surrounding water, convection is not required. a. TRUE b. FALSE

14 Q9. O2 in the air is transported to the alveoli primarily by a. Passive diffusion b. Active primary transport c. Convection d. Conduction Q10. Passive diffusion alone is sufficient for fish to obtain O2 from the surrounding water, convection is not required. a. TRUE b. FALSE

15 Q11. Explain the difference between a sensory feedback-mediated rhythmic movement and a central pattern generator-mediated rhythmic movement.

16 ► Central pattern generators… ► Located entirely within the central nervous system ► i.e. no peripheral afferent feedback required ► Rhythm output to motor neurons generated by “oscillators” ► Either cells that produce timed spontaneous action potentials ► … or networks of cells utilizing feedback inhibition ► Sensory feedback circuits… ► Require peripheral afferent feedback to regulate motorneurons Peripheral control Central control

17 Q12. Describe what is meant by the “Bohr Effect”. Why does it represent an advantageous adaptation with respect to gas exchange into and out of the bloodstream?

18 ► Describes how O 2 unloading from the blood is enhanced in tissues of high PCO 2 ► Two reasons: 1.CO 2 binding to hemoglobin reduces the latter’s affinity for O 2 2.CO 2 is converted to carbonic acid by carbonic anhydrase, producing H + ; H + binding to hemoglobin also reduces O 2 affinity ► Advantageous because aerobically respiring tissues with a high O 2 demand will tend to have higher CO 2 levels

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