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Microfluidic Passive Flowmeters of Liquids and Gaseous or Friable Substances The measured quantity is vortical MF, caused by the electrogaseodynamical.

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Presentation on theme: "Microfluidic Passive Flowmeters of Liquids and Gaseous or Friable Substances The measured quantity is vortical MF, caused by the electrogaseodynamical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microfluidic Passive Flowmeters of Liquids and Gaseous or Friable Substances The measured quantity is vortical MF, caused by the electrogaseodynamical jet, of gasiform stream for the toroidal pickup coil (PC)

2 Microfluidic Passive Flowmeters of Liquids and Gaseous or Friable Substances The measured quantity is variation of the surrounding (natural) MF according to the magnetohydrodynamical (MGD) effect for the solenoidal PC.

3 Microfluidic Passive Flowmeters of Liquids and Gaseous or Friable Substances Measured MF interferes with the surrounding one. The variations of measured MF strength H fl 1 of the stream or flow as a result of subtraction: H fl =H p -H o

4 Microfluidic Passive Flowmeters of Liquids and Gaseous or Friable Substances By employing some substance as a core of PC is expected to define an effective magnetic permeabillity  ef of the formed physical body. The quantative content of hemoglobinum is defined by the difference between an induction sensor's output voltages U o - for a typical its value in some organism which is placed in the ambient permanent MF and U x which has been measured for the investigated organism.

5 Superconducting Room-Temperature Micro-Nanoscope


7 A Solid-State Electromagnetic (Optical) Transistor The current state of a problem: ◊ semiconducting transistors- limited carrier speed (frequency) and presence of the fluctuations (noises); ◊ magnetic amplifiers- distortion of a signal during motion of the ferromagnetic domains; ◊ optical transistor- application of parallel mirrors (lenses) and filling of the space between them by the special liquid.

8 A Solid-State Electromagnetic (Optical) Transistor The results of an innovation: ▪ increasing of fast-acting (frequency) to the maximal possibly; ▪ dramatically reduce the noise level as a result of non-hysteresis operation (without internal transformation of material’s structure); ▪ improving of a manufacturability of the device due to the presence of single solid-state working body.

9 A Solid-State Electromagnetic (Optical) Transistor


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