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English II Week 6, 13 th April 15 1 st semester 2015 Lecture 7.

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Presentation on theme: "English II Week 6, 13 th April 15 1 st semester 2015 Lecture 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II Week 6, 13 th April 15 1 st semester 2015 Lecture 7

2 Aims: To build learners vocabulary Introduce learners to real communication through debates Practise listening and writing skills through dictation

3 Find the following words in a word document then translate them into Portuguese. - BAND - CLASSICAL - COUNTRY - DOWNLOAD - GUITAR - JAZZ - KARAOKE - KEYBOARD -LISTEN MICROPHONE - NOISE - PITCH – RADIO RECORD - RHYTHM - ROCK - SING SONG - SOUND - VIOLIN

4 Possible solution BAND = banda CLASSICAL = clássico(a) COUNTRY = country (música) DOWNLOAD = transferir/ descarregar GUITAR=guitarra JAZZ = jazz KARAOKE = karaoke KEYBOARD =teclado (piano) LISTEN = escutar/ouvir VIOLIN =violino

5 Possible solutions MICROPHONE =microfone NOISE=barulho/ ruído PITCH = tom RADIO = rádio RECORD =gravar/ registar RHYTHM = ritmo ROCK = rock(música) / rocha SING = cantar SONG = canção/ música / cantiga SOUND = som

6 Dictation 1 Listen to the audio material ENPT001 and write down the words as you hear them.

7 Dictation 11 Listen to the audio material ENPT002 and write down the words as you hear them.

8 Exercise Divide the class in various groups and give each one a task.

9 Conversation Topics for debate - What can we do in order to reduce traffic problem in our roads? - What can we do to reduce or eliminate rubbish in our streets?

10 Homework Read /Study all material studied up until now. Translate the text ‘HOT AND COLD NATIONS’ found in lecture 6 and bring it to class on Monday, next week.

11 Notice English II test next month (May). The material is uploaded on a blog. Please download it using: https://inglesieiigregoriosemedo.wordpr

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