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#AIIM12 Perspectives Extreme Information Management Why Should You Care? Andrew Graham Director Sales EMEA

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Presentation on theme: "#AIIM12 Perspectives Extreme Information Management Why Should You Care? Andrew Graham Director Sales EMEA"— Presentation transcript:

1 #AIIM12 Perspectives Extreme Information Management Why Should You Care? Andrew Graham Director Sales EMEA AIIM @andrew_aiim

2 Who is AIIM? AIIM is the global community of information professionals. We provide the education, research and certification that information professionals need to manage and share information assets in an era of mobile, social, cloud and big data.

3 Status after many years… 65,000 Members 26,000+ attendees 8 Certificate Programs Partners across the world AIIM Practitioner, Specialist and Master are now recognized designations

4 Our 5-Point Manifesto 1.Commit to the cloud. 2.Mobilize everything. 3.Make the business social. 4.Digitize anything that moves. 5.Prepare for information management on a massive scale.


6 Big Data is not just “more data.” --Thornton May

7 7 The vast majority of the world’s information is unstructured. Unstructured information growing 15X faster than structured. Raw computing power growing so fast that an off-the-shelf box approaching the computing power of a super computer 5 years ago. Sensors will multiply data beyond our comprehension – Smart Metering The New Normal Source = Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data


9 Era Years Typical thing managed Best known company Content mgmt focus Mainframe 1960-1975 A batch transaction IBMMicrofilm Mini 1975-1992 A dept process Digital Equipment Image Mgmt PC 1992-2001 A document Microsoft Document Mgmt Internet 2001-2009 A web page Google Content Mgmt Social and Cloud 2010-2015 An interaction Facebook Social Business Systems Systems of Record Systems of Engagement


11 We are moving from the Systems of Record era in which our focus was on high-value information assets to the Systems of Engagement era in which volume and complexity and variety and velocity are increasing dramatically.

12 Prepare for extreme information management.

13 Structured Information i.e., “data” HIGH DENSITY Managed via traditional BI and Data Warehousing Value of Information per Unit to Organization Original concept – Freeform Dynamics Systems of Record 1 1

14 Structured Information i.e., “data” Unstructured Information i.e., “content” Managed in ECM & ERM systems HIGH Value/Byte Managed via traditional BI and Data Warehousing Currently unmanaged Value of Information per Unit to Organization Original concept – Freeform Dynamics 2 2 Systems of Record 1 1

15 15 Source: Online survey of Register readers, 122 respondents, first half of November 2011, Freeform Dynamics Considered overall, to what degree does your organization exploit its information assets for analysis and decision making purposes? Opportunity

16 Structured Information i.e., “data” Unstructured Information i.e., “content” Managed in ECM & ERM systems Managed via traditional BI and Data Warehousing Currently unmanaged Value of Information per Unit to Organization BIG DATA Original concept – Freeform Dynamics 2 2 3 3 Social, images, audio, video, text, office apps, web traffic, print streams, email, documents BIG CONTENT Volume, Velocity, Variety, Complexity 2.5 quintillion bytes/day Systems of RecordSystems of Engagement 1 1 Internet of things – e.g., climate data, transaction records, phone GPS data – intelligent, interconnected, and everywhere 4 4 LOW Value/ByteHIGH Value/Byte

17 17 Get rid of as much as you can: – Litigation risk – Compliance risk – Storage cost High Value/Byte Irrational thinking Save everything that you can: – Might need it “someday” – Potential aggregated value – Disposition uncertainty Low Value/Byte

18 Welcome to the Era of Extreme Information

19 All AIIM research free to download at: Citation and reference welcome and encouraged – just link back to the survey. Thank you to all the companies that sponsor our research and allow us to make it available for free to users.

20 20 Demographics N=345 non-trade, 10+ emps Size Region Total respondents: 345 Excluding organizations with <10 employees and ECM/BI suppliers ©AIIM 2012 70% N.America 17% Europe 13% RoW 31% 10-500 emps 36% 500-5,000 emps 33% 5,000+ emps

21 21 Despite everything, ECM still relatively immature. Ditto Search. Clear understanding that we have too much data, not enough analysis. Awareness/use cases still early, but emerging. There is a sense of something “big” out there. Our structured/unstructured dichotomy means more to “us” than to “them.” ©AIIM 2011 21 Some highlights…

22 22 ECM Maturity How would you best describe management of the unstructured content in your organization? N=339 ©AIIM 2012 61% still have a degree of content chaos

23 23 Search Maturity How good is your ability to search across your key content? (Pick highest capability) N=337 ©AIIM 2012 80% have no extended search across multiple repositories

24 24 Analysis and BI Issues Which two of the following would you choose to describe your biggest data analysis and BI issues? N=330 ©AIIM 2012 Either no tools, or poor tools. Need better (unified) access to multiple data sources.

25 25 Unstructured Datasets Are there large unstructured or semi-structured data repositories (ie, text, rich media, etc.) in your business that you would like to analyse, monitor or query - as opposed to search/retrieve? N=300 ©AIIM 2012 Most popular are the basic ones – maybe some crossover “search/analyse.” But 30-50% interested in a wide range of other applications.

26 26 Content Analytics Have you considered analyzing any of the following document or content types to extract longer-term business intelligence or solve problems? N=259 ©AIIM 2012 68% would like to analyse comment fields from forms. Incident reports and case notes quite widely useful. Print-streams largely untapped as yet

27 27 Linked Datasets How valuable would it be/is it to your business if you could do the kinds of analysis suggested above? N=283 ©AIIM 2012 61% would find it “very useful” to link structured and unstructured datasets.

28 28 The combination of semantics and the cost structure of cloud-based analytic tools is revolutionary. Across industries Across geographies Revolutionary times

29 29 The combination of semantics and the cost structure of cloud-based analytic tools is revolutionary. Across industries Across geographies This revolution will once and for all require new approaches to managing unstructured information assets. Revolutionary times

30 The amount of information will grow by 44X by 2020 and the # of containers by 67X. [IDC] The # of IT staff will grow by 1.4X [IDC] Two-thirds of organisations have an Information Management Strategy, only 22% use it. [AIIM] 79% of organisations have an Information Retention policy, but only 32% enforce it. [AIIM] Prepare for Information Management on a Massive Scale. Big Data

31 Source =







38 What kinds of business problems can big data help address? Modeling risk and failure prediction Analysing customer churn Web recommendations (ala Amazon) Web ad targeting Point of sale transaction analysis Threat analysis Compliance and search effectiveness Source –

39 Mining social streams… for predictions about the next hit…

40 Mining social streams…for the best food

41 Mining social streams…for drug info

42 42 Certified Information Professional Objective: Create a body of knowledge and a means to certify understanding that allows individuals to demonstrate their ability to solve an organisation's existing information-related problems as well as plan for the future. Simple terms: The CIP allows individuals to demonstrate understanding of where their area of expertise fits into the broader information management picture.

43 Questions/Comments/Discussion Items Andrew Graham @andrew_aiim

44 44 White paper here – Free practice exam/assessment -- We need T-Shaped Professionals for this Revolution BROAD DEEP

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