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Basics of Presentation Design uBalance uColor uClarity.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of Presentation Design uBalance uColor uClarity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of Presentation Design uBalance uColor uClarity

2 is just that! Dead Center...

3 Go for Dynamic Balance uLeft alignment for bullets uUse grid to guide placement uOffset graphics uUse white space

4 Grid Structure u Rule of thirds u Know the power points u Place pictures to guide the eye

5 Color and Clarity uDark vs.. light uAvoid extreme contrasts uDark blue is most visible uFont Colors uYellow for titles uWhite for Text

6 Rules of Clarity u Avoid ALL CAPS! u Keep points concise u Restrain color, fonts, enhancements u Summarize or expand on next slide

7 Keep It Simple

8 Typefaces and Fonts u Use For titles  Helvetica u Arial Black  Geneva u Use For Text u Times  Courier  Palatino

9 The Rules About Words! u No more than... u 25 words on slide u 5 bullets per slide u 6-8 words per line

10 Consistency u Sequence and transition u Style of graphics, fonts u Use of color u White space

11 What’s wrong with this slide?  CADRE TRAINING TO BEGIN IN JANUARY AND CONTINUE THROUGH MAY. zThe technology teacher leaders represent 20 districts in LA county, from as far north as Antelope Valley and south to Santa Monica.  The TTLs have a variety of experience and will receive training in telecommunications, multimedia, and teacher productivity zThese technology trainers and leaders will re-deliver training to the regions next year zSupport for the different regions will vary, and be designed by each regions as needed.

12 Skills for the 21st Century  Research Information  Present information  Use New Technologies  Work with Others

13 Closing Quote We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart. -- Blaise Pascal

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