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Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist © Townsend Press

2 Unit Five: Chapter 29 • confirm • submit • deceptive • susceptible
• defy • transmit • restrain • valid • seclusion • vigorous Page 160 in textbook.

3 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 confirm – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 confirm – verb • Mr. Smith was released by the police when someone confirmed his statement that he had been out of town the day of the murder. • “Yes, it’s true,” the manager said, confirming the report that his star player had asked to be traded to another team. Confirm means A. to deny. B. to back up. C. to ignore. Page 160 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

4 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 confirm – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 confirm – verb • Mr. Smith was released by the police when someone confirmed his statement that he had been out of town the day of the murder. • “Yes, it’s true,” the manager said, confirming the report that his star player had asked to be traded to another team. Confirm means A. to deny. B. to back up. C. to ignore. Page 160 in textbook. If the police released Mr. Smith, someone must have backed up his statement. The statement yes, it’s true backs up the report that the player had asked to be traded.

5 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 deceptive – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 deceptive – adjective • The seeming ease with which Naomi plays the piano is deceptive. Actually, she practices four hours each day. • After stealing the MP3 player, Meg remained silent while another student was wrongly accused. Her silence was as deceptive as an outright lie. Deceptive means A. modest. B. flexible. C. misleading. Page 160 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

6 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 deceptive – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 deceptive – adjective • The seeming ease with which Naomi plays the piano is deceptive. Actually, she practices four hours each day. • After stealing the MP3 player, Meg remained silent while another student was wrongly accused. Her silence was as deceptive as an outright lie. Deceptive means A. modest. B. flexible. C. misleading. Page 160 in textbook. If Naomi practices four hours each day, the seeming ease with which she plays is misleading. An outright lie is misleading, just as Meg’s silence is misleading.

7 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 defy – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 defy – verb • The automotive plant workers voted to defy the company and go on strike. • After being forbidden to go out three evenings in a row, Ted defied his parents by walking right out the front door. Defy means A. to oppose. B. to support. C. to learn from. Page 160 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

8 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 defy – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 defy – verb • The automotive plant workers voted to defy the company and go on strike. • After being forbidden to go out three evenings in a row, Ted defied his parents by walking right out the front door. Defy means A. to oppose. B. to support. C. to learn from. Page 160 in textbook. Workers who go on strike are opposing the company that employs them. If Ted’s parents have forbidden him to go out but he walks out the door, Ted is opposing his parents.

9 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 restrain – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 restrain – verb • I restrained myself from laughing when my brother made a funny face while Uncle William told us—yet again—the story of his operation. I certainly did not want to hurt Uncle Will’s feelings. • Deion was so angry that we had to restrain him by force from punching Neal. Restrain means A. to forgive. B. to control. C. to train. Page 160 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

10 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 restrain – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 restrain – verb • I restrained myself from laughing when my brother made a funny face while Uncle William told us—yet again—the story of his operation. I certainly did not want to hurt Uncle Will’s feelings. • Deion was so angry that we had to restrain him by force from punching Neal. Restrain means A. to forgive. B. to control. C. to train. Page 160 in textbook. In order not to hurt Uncle William’s feelings, the person would control his or her laughter. If Deion was extremely angry, he would have to be controlled by force.

11 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 seclusion – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 seclusion – noun • The seclusion of the mountain cabin started to bother Veronica. She missed the city and being with other people. • I work best in seclusion, where no one can interrupt the flow of my thoughts. Seclusion means A. being alone. B. being in a crowd. C. being relaxed. Page 160 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

12 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 seclusion – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 seclusion – noun • The seclusion of the mountain cabin started to bother Veronica. She missed the city and being with other people. • I work best in seclusion, where no one can interrupt the flow of my thoughts. Seclusion means A. being alone. B. being in a crowd. C. being relaxed. Page 160 in textbook. If Veronica missed the city and being with people, she must have been alone in the mountain cabin. In order for no one to be able to interrupt one’s thoughts, one has to work alone.

13 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 submit – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 submit – verb • After bucking wildly for several minutes, the horse calmed down and submitted to the rider. • For reasons of security, travelers must submit to having their luggage inspected at airports. Submit means A. to object. B. to admit. C. to give in. Page 160 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

14 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 submit – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 submit – verb • After bucking wildly for several minutes, the horse calmed down and submitted to the rider. • For reasons of security, travelers must submit to having their luggage inspected at airports. Submit means A. to object. B. to admit. C. to give in. Page 160 in textbook. If the horse stopped bucking and calmed down, it gave in to the rider. At airports, travelers give in to having their luggage inspected. Otherwise, they won’t be allowed on the plane.

15 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 susceptible – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 susceptible – adjective • Lina is so susceptible to blushing that she turns away whenever she is embarrassed so that no one will see her face change color. • People who smoke are more susceptible to colds than others. Susceptible means A. happy about. B. likely to be affected by. C. attracted by. Page 161 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

16 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 susceptible – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 susceptible – adjective • Lina is so susceptible to blushing that she turns away whenever she is embarrassed so that no one will see her face change color. • People who smoke are more susceptible to colds than others. Susceptible means A. happy about. B. likely to be affected by. C. attracted by. Page 161 in textbook. If Lina’s face changes color whenever she is embarrassed, she must be likely to be affected by blushing. Smokers are more likely to be affected by colds than non-smokers.

17 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 transmit – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 transmit – verb • Emergency messages were transmitted over all the city’s radio stations. • Before the microscope was invented, no one knew that a person could transmit a disease to someone else through “invisible” germs. Transmit means A. to pass along. B. to check. C. to lose. Page 161 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

18 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 transmit – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 transmit – verb • Emergency messages were transmitted over all the city’s radio stations. • Before the microscope was invented, no one knew that a person could transmit a disease to someone else through “invisible” germs. Transmit means A. to pass along. B. to check. C. to lose. Page 161 in textbook. Emergency messages would be passed along by the radio stations. A disease can be passed along from one person to another through germs.

19 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 valid – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 valid – adjective • The research study was not valid because much of the “evidence” had been made up by the researcher. • “Your accusation that I’m not responsible isn’t valid,” Myra told her father. “I’ve done all my homework already and even cleaned the living room. Valid means A. obvious. B. well-supported. C. wrong. Page 161 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

20 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 valid – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 valid – adjective • The research study was not valid because much of the “evidence” had been made up by the researcher. • “Your accusation that I’m not responsible isn’t valid,” Myra told her father. “I’ve done all my homework already and even cleaned the living room. Valid means A. obvious. B. well-supported. C. wrong. Page 161 in textbook. If the “evidence” was made up by the researcher, the study would not be well supported. If Myra has done her homework and cleaned the living room, the accusation that she is not responsible isn’t well supported.

21 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 vigorous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 vigorous – adjective • My eighty-year-old grandmother is still vigorous enough to walk five miles every day. • The best instructors have vigorous teaching styles, lively enough to make any lesson interesting. Vigorous means A. strict. B. quiet. C. energetic. Page 161 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer. “I can’t mow the lawn! The doctor said to avoid vigorous exercise!”

22 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 vigorous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 vigorous – adjective • My eighty-year-old grandmother is still vigorous enough to walk five miles every day. • The best instructors have vigorous teaching styles, lively enough to make any lesson interesting. Vigorous means A. strict. B. quiet. C. energetic. Page 161 in textbook. A person who walks five miles a day must be energetic. In the second item, the word lively suggests that vigorous means “energetic.” “I can’t mow the lawn! The doctor said to avoid vigorous exercise!”

23 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 1. I gave the bottle such a __________ shake that it leaked Russian dressing all over my hands. 2. The dinosaur theory seemed __________ because all the available evidence supported it. Page 162 in textbook. Answers: 1. vigorous; 2. valid The next slide explains the answers.

24 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 1. I gave the bottle such a __________ shake that it leaked Russian dressing all over my hands. vigorous If the dressing leaked from the bottle, the person must have given it an energetic shake. 2. The dinosaur theory seemed __________ because all the available evidence supported it. valid Page 162 in textbook. If all the available evidence supported the theory, the theory would seem logical.

25 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 3. I don’t go to the beach because I’m so __________ to sunburn. 4. At the party, Marco _______(e)d the rumor that he was engaged when he introduced his date as his fiancée. Page 162 in textbook. Answers: 3. susceptible; 4. confirm; 5. submit The next slide explains the answers. 5. In prison, the criminal had to __________ to more rules than he had ever thought possible.

26 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 3. I don’t go to the beach because I’m so __________ to sunburn. susceptible It makes sense for a person to avoid the beach if he or she is likely to be affected by sunburn. 4. At the party, Marco __________ the rumor that he was engaged when he introduced his date as his fiancée. confirmed Page 162 in textbook. By introducing his date as his fiancée, Marco is showing the truth of the rumor that he is engaged. 5. In prison, the criminal had to __________ to more rules than he had ever thought possible. submit Prisoners must give in to the rules in a prison.

27 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 6. The widow stayed in _________ for a period of mourning, not seeing visitors or going to any social events. 7. The little boy tried to __________ his big dog from chasing a car, but he could not hold the dog back. Page 162 in textbook. Answers: 6. seclusion; 7. restrain The next slide explains the answers.

28 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 6. The widow stayed in _________ for a period of mourning, not seeing visitors or going to any social events. seclusion If the widow didn’t see visitors or go to social events, she stayed in isolation. 7. The little boy tried to __________ his big dog from chasing a car, but he could not hold the dog back. restrain Page 162 in textbook. The words hold back tell you the meaning of restrain.

29 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 8. “Looks can be __________,” Ray’s big brother warned. “Wendy may have a cute, childish face, but she’s far from sweet.” 9. To save on long-distance telephone charges, Tia decided to __________ the news about the baby’s birth by . Page 162 in textbook. Answers: 8. deceptive; 9. transmit; 10. defy The next slide explains the answers. 10. The daring thief liked to openly __________ the police by leaving this note at the scene of the crime: “Love and kisses from ‘The Uncatchable One.’”

30 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. confirm B. deceptive C. defy D. restrain E. seclusion F. submit G. susceptible H. transmit I. valid J. vigorous 8. “Looks can be __________,” Ray’s big brother warned. “Wendy may have a cute, childish face, but she’s far from sweet.” deceptive If Wendy is far from sweet, her looks must be misleading. 9. To save on long-distance telephone charges, Tia decided to __________ the news about the baby’s birth by . transmit Page 162 in textbook. is a way to communicate the news of the birth. 10. The daring thief liked to openly __________ the police by leaving this note at the scene of the crime: “Love and kisses from ‘The Uncatchable One.’” defy The thief’s note boldly opposes the police. The word daring is a clue.


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