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Study Skills Exam Techniques Counselling Unit, UWI, Mona.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills Exam Techniques Counselling Unit, UWI, Mona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills Exam Techniques Counselling Unit, UWI, Mona

2 Quotation for Discussion Learn from the mistakes of others—you can never live long enough to make them all yourself. —John Luther

3 Disarm Tests Grades are what we use to give power to tests Let go of your misconceptions about grades Don’t exaggerate the pressure on yourself Keep the risk in perspective

4 Remember… Grades are not measures of: –Intelligence –Creativity –Self-worth Test scores do not measure accomplishment in a course— they measure performance on a test

5 Before the exams Work consistently throughout the semester Get sufficient sleep Ensure an adequate diet Maintain your exercise regime Check time, date and place of each exam

6 On the day of the exam After a good night’s rest, have an adequate meal Ensure you have all that you will need for the exam

7 Get to your exam centre at least 10 minutes before the exam Spend that time relaxing in preparation for the exam

8 During the exam Read all directions TWICE before you begin the exam Orient yourself to the total exam – read through all the questions

9 Establish a time schedule before you start to answer the questions and stick with it Choose questions that you feel you know the best

10 Outline each answer before you begin In the margins, jot down memory aids, formulas, equations, facts Start with you second best question first

11 Look for answers in other questions Always leave time to review and edit your answers If short on time, offer an outline for what you intended to say

12 Multiple-Choice Questions Check directions to see if more than one answer is called for Answer questions in your head before looking at answer choices Read all answers to each question before selecting one

13 Your first instinct is usually best Use guessing techniques when appropriate

14 True/False Questions Answer quickly Read carefully Look for qualifiers –All –Most –Sometimes –Never –Rarely

15 Absolute qualifiers often indicate false statements –Always –Never

16 Essay Questions Find out precisely what the question is asking Make a quick outline Get right to the point Put the most solid supporting points first

17 Words to Watch for in Essay Questions AnalyzeDefineCompareCriticizeDescribeDiscussContrastExplainProveRelateStateSummarizeTrace

18 “F” Is for Feedback, not Failure Getting an “F” means only that you failed a test—not your life An “F” is feedback that you didn’t understand the material Feedback helps you change to promote future success

19 Studying with Others Test each other Teach each other Compare notes Brainstorm test questions Set an agenda Three at a computer Create wall-sized mind maps Lecture each other Ask for personal support

20 The Costs of Cheating We learn less We lose money Fear of getting caught promotes stress Violating our values promotes stress Cheating once makes it easier to compromise our integrity Cheating lowers our self-concept

21 Let Go of Test Anxiety Deal with your THOUGHTS Deal with your FEELINGS

22 Dealing with Thoughts Yell “Stop!” Daydream Visualize success Focus Praise yourself Consider the worst Zoom out

23 Dealing with Feelings Breathe Scan your body Tense and relax Use guided imagery

24 Dealing with Feelings Describe it Be with it Exercise aerobically Get help

25 Power Process: Detach

26 Attachments are addictions We can be attached to emotions as well as thoughts

27 Ways to Recognize an Attachment Strong emotions—feeling irritated, angry, jealous, confused… Feelings of nervousness, weakness, or nausea

28 Four Ways to Detach Practice observer consciousness Put your own circumstances into a larger perspective Ask: “What’s the worst that could happen?” Use breathing and relaxation techniques

29 Cautions When Using Detachment Giving up an addiction to getting an “A” is different from giving up being an “A” student Detachment is different from denial Being detached is not the same as being apathetic

30 Master Student Barbara Jordan “... it occurred to me that if I was going to succeed at this strange new adventure, I would have to read longer and more thoroughly than my colleagues...”

31 Remember, tests are opportunities to demonstrate your mastery

32 After the exam Avoid a post mortem Take a few hours break, get some rest and begin to prepare for the next exam If this is your last exam…. GO OUT AND HAVE SOME FUN

33 References Ellis, D. (1994) Becoming a Master Student (7th ed.) Rapid City, SD. Houghton Mifflin Co. Ellis, D. (2003) Becoming a Master Student (10th ed.) Rapid City, SD. Houghton Mifflin Co. s/master_student/10e/students/ s/master_student/10e/students/

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