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To say something and mean the opposite

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Presentation on theme: "To say something and mean the opposite"— Presentation transcript:

1 To say something and mean the opposite
Sarcasm To say something and mean the opposite

2 Fun Fact Sarcasm or irony is used once every 2 minutes in conversation!! (What is Verbal Irony/ Sarcasm?)

3 Why people use sarcasm? To be funny To insult/mock people
To make an ironic comment about the world around them

4 How can we tell is someone is using sarcasm?
People exaggerate their voice in a bored sounding manner They roll their eyes (and/or head) They smile afterwards

5 Other tips about sarcasm…
Differs with the person Know your person!!! Be aware of context - Look for when it doesn’t make sense

6 Elements of Sarcasm 1. Facial Expression

7 2. Context: statement may contradict the environment
It’s a beautiful day to go to the beach!! Looks great

8 3. Vocal Cues: how you say something
“thanks” Pulling-out a word: well excuuuuuse me! Saying exciting words with no emotion: Wow Great Yay Using a lower pitch to indicate sarcasm High pitch: “GREAT idea!” (sincere) Lower pitch: “Yea, great idea” (sarcasm)

9 Is she using sarcasm?

10 Is she using sarcasm?

11 Examples- What do they really mean?
“Nice job dropping the ball during practice today!” Not actually complimenting you on your skills but saying you didn’t do a good job; might be trying to make you feel bad

12 Example- What does it really mean?
“I’m glad you are standing there. Don’t feel like you need to help or anything” - Means he would like you to help him with whatever he is doing

13 Examples: (TBBT)
(Penny gets Sheldon sick) (examples of VI & sarcasm)

14 Show Me Sarcasm 1. Come up with a scenario/situation: providing characters, setting, actions occurring - Provide a sarcastic comment about what is occurring

15 Show Me Sarcasm Create a comic showing sarcasm

16 This has earned the Gil seal of approval. Cuz it’s sooooooo good
This has earned the Gil seal of approval! Cuz it’s sooooooo good! (no sarcasm! Y do u ask?)

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