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Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations SESSION 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations SESSION 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations SESSION 2

2 Today… Group expectations Self- assessment Peer assessment Research Task Enrolment Theories of Communication

3 Self Assessment Results How Good Are Your Communication Skills? How Good Are Your Communication Skills? Use the hand out to assess your skills and try:

4 Peer Assessment Work with a partner and observe each other’s communication skills during a five minute conversation. Record your observations on the table. Once completed give this assessment form to your partner.

5 Very effective — 5 Inappropriate — 1 METHOD OF COMMUNICATION None Good Very good Excellent Eye contact Facial expression Angle of head Tone of voice Position of hands and arms Gestures Posture Muscle tension Touch Proximity Encouraging others to talk back Reflecting back what others have said Using appropriate questions Using silence as a listening skill Clarity and pace of conversation Turn taking


7 The Power of Communication

8 The Consequences Research Task There have been cases, in recent years, where poor communication between service users and staff and between staff in other health and social care organisations has led to tragic consequences in relation to child abuse, elder neglect and abusive practice with adults with learning difficulties. Find out about one of these cases describe the communication issues How did these issues impact on the case What could of been done differently?

9 Click Images for Hyperlinks

10 Some common barriers to effective communication: The use of jargon, over-complicated or unfamiliar terms. Emotional barriers and taboos. Differences in perception and viewpoint. Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties. Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents. Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions. Cultural differences. The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal space varies between cultures and between different social settings.personal space

11 The Seven Cs of Communication to help overcome barriers:Seven Cs 1. Clear 2. Concise 3. Concrete 4. Correct 5. Coherent 6. Complete 7. Courteous


13 Small Group Work: Understanding the relative theories of communication Humanistic Behaviourist Cognitive Psychoanalytic

14 Small Group Work Investigate your given theory Be prepared to report back to the group orally next week Produce seminar notes for everyone What are the merits/ flaws of your theoretical perspective?

15 What did you achieve today?

16 A culture of inappropriate language

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