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Preparing our students for an ever changing world What will the NEW MYP Progress Report tell me about my child?

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1 Preparing our students for an ever changing world What will the NEW MYP Progress Report tell me about my child?

2 Assessments in the IB and at JW Students are assessed on a regular basis, using a variety of appropriate assessment techniques. IBMYP Philosophy of Assessment is we assess students on what they know and what they can do with their knowledge not on what they do not know and cannot do. A report of student progress, which presents student performance against specific criteria is provided to parents.

3 How Do We Assess Students at JW? Teachers are responsible for structuring varied and valid assessment tasks that will allow students to demonstrate achievement according to the objectives for each subject group. These may include: open-ended, problem-solving activities investigations organized debates hands-on experimentation analysis and reflection essays quizzes and tests.

4 IB MYP Progress Report

5 Communicating MYP Assessment Tasks/Scores The recording and reporting of individual levels of achievement are organized in ways that provide students with detailed feedback on their progress as it relates to the assessment criteria for each subject group.

6 Communicating MYP Assessment Tasks/Scores An MYP Progress Report based on the MYP Criteria will distributed each semester.

7 Teachers organize continuous assessment in their courses, according to specified MYP assessment criteria. How Do We Assess Students in The Middle Years Programme? ABCD Language and literature AnalysingOrganizingProducing textUsing language Language acquisition Comprehending spoken and visual text Comprehending written and visual text CommunicatingUsing language Individuals and societies Knowing and understanding InvestigatingCommunicatingThinking critically Sciences Knowing and understanding Inquiring and designing Processing and evaluating Reflecting on the impacts of science Mathematics Knowing and understanding Investigating patterns Communicating Applying mathematics in real-world contexts Arts Knowing and understanding Developing skillsThinking creativelyResponding Physical and health education Knowing and understanding Planning for performance Applying and performing Reflecting and improving performance Design Inquiring and analysing Developing ideas Creating the solution Evaluating

8 Each set of MYP Criteria contains a series of objectives. SAMPLE MYP CRITERION WITH OBJECTIVES FROM SCIENCE: Criterion A: Knowing and understanding At the end of year 1 (grade 6), students should be able to: i. outline scientific knowledge ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar situations and suggest solutions to problems set in unfamiliar situations iii. interpret information to make scientifically supported judgments. Criterion A: Knowing and understanding At the end of year 3 (grade 8), students should be able to: i. describe scientific knowledge ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations iii. analyse information to make scientifically supported judgments. How Do We Assess Students in The Middle Years Programme?

9 Subject specific MYP rubrics are used to describe the students’ level of understanding on the task. Communicating MYP Assessment Tasks/Scores

10 Each criterion should be assessed twice per semester in each subject area. The most appropriate score for each criterion is the final score recorded on the progress report* * Each subject area has 4 criteria worth 8 points each. 32 is the criterion level total. A final score will be given separately for each semester. Process the data:

11 Communicating MYP Assessment Tasks/Scores Scores for all criteria are then added to determine an IB grade for each subject.

12 Sample Semester Progress Report for Math and Science

13 Communicating MYP Assessment Tasks/Scores We compare the total to the IB Grade Boundary Chart

14 Communicating MYP Assessment Tasks/Scores IB descriptors are used to interpret what the grade means.

15 Questions/Comments/Feedbac k Contact Nancy Deprey, MYP Coordinator

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