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Understanding the Dynamics of Soap Bubble Pinch-off Courtney Cromartie, Daniel Lathrop, Sonali Shukla.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Dynamics of Soap Bubble Pinch-off Courtney Cromartie, Daniel Lathrop, Sonali Shukla."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Dynamics of Soap Bubble Pinch-off Courtney Cromartie, Daniel Lathrop, Sonali Shukla

2 Inspiration for Project Soap Film Topology Talk with Keith Moffatt Unfolding a mobius strip Singularities in catenoids

3 What About a Blown Bubble?

4 Stages of Pinch-off

5 Apparatus Design

6 Experimental Set-up High-speed video camera 2,000 fps, 140 x 160 pixel frame Pressurized Air Designed a valve system to control the delivery of air to the nozzle External Triggering Device Provided precision control timing of camera and air burst

7 Optimizing Bubble Dynamics Soap Solution 60 ml distilled water, 10 ml Dawn dishwashing liquid, 3 ml glycerol Careful balance of pressure and air burst length to produce: Symmetric Single-pinch off events Consistently


9 Edge Tracing & Image Analysis z - z0 = (internal wall location) – (location of internal collapse)

10 Controlling Forces Proposed that surface tension and kinetic energy of fluid control the process of pinch- off Dimensional Analysis of force equality uncovers a 2/3’s power law between length and time.

11 Preliminary Results from 10 Events Later Stages of Collapse Early Stages of Collapse

12 Closing Thoughts Kinetic Energy and Surface Tension likely play a role in the early stages of pinch-off A camera with a higher frame rate and better resolution would yield more definitive results close to pinch-off

13 Special Thanks To: Daniel Lathrop & Sonali Shukla UMD TREND Program National Science Foundation

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