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Tomohiro Oishi A, Kouichi Hagino A, Hiroyuki Sagawa B A Tohoku Univ., B Univ. of Aizu T.Oishi, K.Hagino, and H.Sagawa, PRC82,024315(2010)

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Presentation on theme: "Tomohiro Oishi A, Kouichi Hagino A, Hiroyuki Sagawa B A Tohoku Univ., B Univ. of Aizu T.Oishi, K.Hagino, and H.Sagawa, PRC82,024315(2010)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tomohiro Oishi A, Kouichi Hagino A, Hiroyuki Sagawa B A Tohoku Univ., B Univ. of Aizu T.Oishi, K.Hagino, and H.Sagawa, PRC82,024315(2010)

2 Dineutron correlation in 2n-Borromean nuclei (theoretically predicted): K.Hagino, and H.Sagawa, PRC72(‘05)044321 Remarkable localization of two neutrons  “dineutron correlation”. How about two protons in a weakly bound system?

3 Typical “2p-Borromean” nucleus; proton-unbound, stable for proton emission. 17 Ne is an ideal system to analyze diproton correlation.

4 Off-diagonal

5 Parameters are fixed to output of 17 Ne:-0.944 MeV. Density-dependent contact Explicit Coulomb OR Minnesota

6 Fixed to reproduce averaged resonance energies Woods-Saxon + Coulomb potential for p-Core

7 Note; In actual calculation, 1) We set cutoff-energy:E CUT = 60 MeV. 2) Continium states are discretized by setting infinite wall at R BOX = 30 fm.

8 Determined by H- diagonalization 0 + configuration for g.s. calculation


10 “Diproton correlation”


12 MinnesotaContact

13 We performed three-body-model calculation for 17 Ne with two types of pairing plus explicit Coulomb interaction. 1.Coulomb repulsion contributes about 14% reduction to pairing energy. 2.Existence of strong “diproton correlation”. Future work: application to 2p-emission.


15 Woods-Saxon + Coulomb potential for p-Core

16 Put infinite wall at r=R box :  Continuum states are discretized. Resonances of 16 F at 0.675 MeV (s 1/2 ) and at 1.129 MeV (d 5/2 ) are reproduced.

17 Density-dependent contact interaction Explicit Coulomb interaction We need cutoff:E C to determine v 0 (pairing in vacuum). Other parameters are fixed to obtain of 17 Ne:-0.944 MeV.

18 S.Hilaire et al., Phys.Lett.B531(2002) protons neutrons Pairing gap of protons and neutrons

19 Table of Nuclides,



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