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Java Programming Exceptions. Java has a built in mechanism for error handling and trapping errors Usually this means dealing with abnormal events or code.

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Presentation on theme: "Java Programming Exceptions. Java has a built in mechanism for error handling and trapping errors Usually this means dealing with abnormal events or code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Java Programming Exceptions

2 Java has a built in mechanism for error handling and trapping errors Usually this means dealing with abnormal events or code execution that prevents the program from continuing –Array out of bounds accesses –Divide by zero –Null pointers –To name a few… Exceptions allow us to handle these events automatically when they happen

3 What are Exceptions? An Exception is a Java class There are many subclasses of the Exception class, each corresponding to a different type of error or abnormal event that we wish to handle Basic concept: –When one of these abnormal events occurs, Java will throw an Exception –This means that it will instantiate a subclass of the Exception class –Whenever an Exception could possibly be thrown, you must provide a mechanism for catching it in your code

4 Throwing Exceptions Essentially, throwing exceptions in Java is a way of terminating method execution early: public class String { public char charAt(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {... throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();... return c; }

5 Catching Exceptions Anytime that you call a method that has been declared as being able to throw an Exception, you can catch the Exception using a try/catch block: If an Exception is thrown inside of a try block, the exception that is returned is forwarded as an argument to the catch block where the Exception can be handled try { String text = “text”; System.out.println(text.charAt(10)); } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println(“Index out of bounds”); e.printStackTrace(); }

6 Catching Exceptions In most cases, if a method can throw an Exception and you want to call it, you must deal with it However, if the Exception that the method throws is a subclass of the RunTimeException class, then you do not need to explicitly catch the Exception (this includes IndexOutOfBoundsException from the previous example) If a RunTimeException is thrown and not caught, Java will automatically abort the program and print the stack trace of the exception

7 RunTimeException These are the subclasses of the RunTimeException class –ArithmeticException –IndexOutOfBoundsException –NegativeArraySizeException –NullPointerException –ArrayStoreException –ClassCastException –IllegalArgumentException –SecurityException –IllegalMonitorStateException –IllegalStateException –UnsupportedOperationException

8 Dealing with Exceptions As we have seen, if a method throws an Exception that is not a subclass of RunTimeException, we are required to deal with it if using this method One way is by using a try/catch block as we have seen You can also indicate that the calling method throws the same Exception, essentially forwarding the responsibility of catching the exception to the code that calls your method public void myMethod() throws IOException { //calls a method that throws an IOException }

9 Multiple catch blocks Sometimes, a method can throw more than one possible Exception, or the try block could call two different methods that throw two different Exceptions try { String text = “text”; System.out.println(text.charAt(10)); int n = Integer.parseInt(“abc”); } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println(“Index out of bounds”); e.printStackTrace(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println(“bad number”); e.printStackTrace(); }

10 Multiple catch blocks Since all Exceptions are subclasses of the Exception class, you can generalize catch blocks to accept multiple different types of Exceptions by using a super class try { String text = “text”; System.out.println(text.charAt(10)); int n = Integer.parseInt(“abc”); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println(“Something bad happened”); e.printStackTrace(); }

11 The finally block Sometimes when you call a try/catch block, an Exception could be thrown before some important code that needs to be run at the end of the try block The finally block can be used to run this code Even if an exception is thrown, the finally block will always execute try { String text = “text”; System.out.println(text.charAt(10)); } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println(“Index out of bounds”); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //important code }

12 Rethrowing Exceptions You can “rethrow” an exception after catching it and processing it If you rethrow an Exception, you must specify that the calling method throws the Exception try { String text = “text”; System.out.println(text.charAt(10)); } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println(“Index out of bounds”); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }

13 Exceptions What type of information can you get from Exception objects? –getCause() –getMessage() –printStackTrace() Sub classes of Exception can be much more elaborate and contain more information if desired You can also define your own Exception class which must be a subclass of Exception or one of its subclasses

14 ที่มา Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Owen Kellett

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