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VITAL EXPRESSIONS OF NATURE IN WATER AND LANDSCAPES Term 1 Booklet, September-December 2012 Loatlands Primary School, Desborough, England.

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1 VITAL EXPRESSIONS OF NATURE IN WATER AND LANDSCAPES Term 1 Booklet, September-December 2012 Loatlands Primary School, Desborough, England

2 Contents Natural Landscapes Art inspired by Natural Poetry Art inspired by Natural Landscapes Art inspired by Nature Art with Comenius Partners Art inspired by Comenius Partners

3 Natural Landscapes Year 1 visited the farm in November to look at the rural landscapes.

4 Natural Landscapes Year 1 looked at how wheat is collected

5 Natural Landscapes Year 1 looked at how machinery is used to collect the harvest and how technology helps to change the landscape in different seasons.

6 Natural Landscapes Year 1 explored the machinery that helps to collect the harvest. They then used the wheat that was collected to make pizzas using flour.

7 Art inspired by Natural Poetry Year 1 recreated a scene from the Lake District based on the poem by Wordsworth about Daffodils. They also wrote their own poems about Daffodils.

8 Art inspired by Natural Landscapes Year 2 created a winter landscape using tissue paper and paints to replicate the work of the painter Jackie Garners who painted penguins from the Falkland Islands.

9 Art inspired by Natural Landscapes Key Stage 1 created an Art display that reflects the wildlife that would live in habitats linked to our local river Ise and its landscape.

10 Art inspired by Natural Landscapes Year 6 have created landscape calendars using pastels to replicate water landscapes of different artists.

11 Art inspired by Natural Landscapes Our Key Stage 2 Art Club for Gifted and Talented pupils created this landscape by replicating the image ‘Barnsdale’ of artist Penny Richardson. The children used water colours to create the effect.

12 Art inspired by Nature Year 2 explored Nature through art by replicating the style of British Artist Damien Hurst and his famous butterflies. They generated a repeating butterfly pattern with paints.

13 Art inspired by Nature Our Reception children created flowers from paper to make their own Olympic Garden scene.

14 Art inspired by Nature Year 4 created sculptures using items from nature to replicate the work of British Artist and Environmentalist Andy Goldsworthy.

15 Art inspired by Nature Year 4 created sculptures using items from nature to replicate the work of British Artist and Environmentalist Andy Goldsworthy.

16 Art inspired by Nature Year 5 used a pointillism effect to create pictures inspired by nature using both paints and felt pens for different effects.

17 Art inspired by Nature Year 6 worked as a class to create this nature display using balloons and paper mache. These where then painted using poster paints. This because the opening to the children exploring why the earth needs bees.

18 Art with Comenius Partners During our hosting week we visited a local Canal at Foxton Locks to look at Canal Art and its links to nature.

19 Art with Comenius Partners Our Turkish children visitors explored the school grounds to use natural items to create their own versions of Andy Goldsworthy natural art.

20 Art with Comenius Partners Year 3 worked with the teachers from Spain to create their own versions of the work of the Spanish artist Sorolla. Children coloured using pencils over the images of Sorolla.

21 Art with Comenius Partners Reception worked with the French teacher to create Lily pads based on the work of the French artist Monet.

22 Art inspired by Comenius Partners Year 2 created marbled pictures using water and oils inspired by our Comenius Partners. They repeated this again after the visit inspired by the Art of Gerald Kloss who interprets water (left).

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