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Spelling List 4 Long “o” sound in words. Spelling List 4 Long o Sound Words with long o sound with letters “__o__e and __oa__“

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling List 4 Long “o” sound in words. Spelling List 4 Long o Sound Words with long o sound with letters “__o__e and __oa__“"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling List 4 Long “o” sound in words

2 Spelling List 4 Long o Sound Words with long o sound with letters “__o__e and __oa__“

3 Long o words Vocabulary bonecone noserose hose holepole roberope stonestovesmoke homenote boatgoat road toad soap

4 bonebone That dog likes to play with a big bone.

5 conecone The girl likes eating vanilla ice cream cone.

6 stone - road I see many stones down the road.

7 smoke - nose I can smell the smoke with my nose.

8 hosehose We water the plants with a hose.

9 roserose This is a beautiful red rose.

10 notenote I use a notebook to write some music notes.

11 roberobe Some people wear a robe when they get up in the morning.

12 roperope The little girl likes to play with her jumping rope.

13 stove Babies must not play near a stove.

14 pole - hole I see a pole in a hole next to the golf ball.

15 homehome There is a “Home Sweet Home” sign on the door.

16 boat - float This big boat can float in the river.

17 goat I see a goat with a green coat.

18 toad I saw a toad down the road.

19 soap I wash my hands with some soap.

20 toast I like toast with strawberry jelly.

21 Long o sound Words with letters “ ___ ow - ___oe “

22 Long o words Vocabulary bowrowsnow toehoe

23 snow The girl can blow the snow.

24 row We stand in a row to see the crow in the tree.

25 bow The girl has a bow on her hair.

26 toe I have two feet and ten toes.

27 hoe That man uses a hoe to remove the weeds.

28 Other words…..

29 phone Everyone has a cell phone.

30 vote - globe Almost everywhere in the globe, people vote to choose a good president.

31 mow - grow The gardener mows the grass when it grows.

32 blow - nose The boy can blow his nose.

33 show - elbow That man shows us his elbow.

34 doe A doe is a female deer.

35 ocean - o’ clock The boy likes to swim in the ocean at ten o’clock.

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