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“To Rear To Maturity” Eph.6:4. Attitude Toward Children A Gift From God Ps.127:3-5 Gen.33:5 Gen.48:9.

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Presentation on theme: "“To Rear To Maturity” Eph.6:4. Attitude Toward Children A Gift From God Ps.127:3-5 Gen.33:5 Gen.48:9."— Presentation transcript:

1 “To Rear To Maturity” Eph.6:4

2 Attitude Toward Children A Gift From God Ps.127:3-5 Gen.33:5 Gen.48:9

3 Provide For Children I Timothy 5:8 2 Cor.12:14

4 Bringing Up Implies… Time Effort Patience Diligence Work At It

5 To Rear To Maturity Physically Socially Mentally Spiritually

6 To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Physically Eat Well Protection Sleep, Rest Exercise Recreation Hygiene

7 To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Socially Share Get Along Treat Others With Respect Work Follow Rules

8 To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Mentally Talk Think, Learn, Reason Be Honest Emotions Temperance

9 To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Spiritually God, Jesus, Spirit Creation Bible Bible Characters Reverence Worship

10 To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Words Example Show Them Admonition Punishment Hebs.12:9-11 Pr.13:24 Pr.19:18 Pr.22:15 Pr.23:13 Pr.29:15, 17

11 The Plan Of Salvation 1.Hear the gospel of Christ, Rom.10:17 2.Believe in Jesus Christ, Jn.8:24 3.Repent and Turn to God, Acts 3:19 4.Confess Jesus Before Men, Rom.10:9-10 5.Baptized in Water, Ac.2:38 ----------------------------  Grow And Be Faithful, Rev.2:10  If Err From The Way : Repent and Pray God Acts 8:22

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