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The Rock Cycle Thinking about relationships among the major rock groups Modified from and

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1 The Rock Cycle Thinking about relationships among the major rock groups Modified from and rocks-rock-cycle-education-ppt-powerpoint/

2 2 Major Rock Groups by Origins Igneous –Formed from a melt (molten rock) –Plutonic (intrusive):slow cooling and crystallization –Volcanic (extrusion): quick cooling at the surface Sedimentary –Formed at the Earth’s surface –Clastic (Mineral Fragments or grains, clays) –Chemical (crystalline chemical/biochemical precipitates) Metamorphic –Changed by pressure, temperature and fluids. A rock is a group of minerals bound together.

3 3 Rock Cycle: Igneous

4 Fig. 2.9 Where is a rock sources ? Molten rock

5 5 MAGMA Crystallization IGNEOUS (FORMATION OF MAGMA) Three things affect whether a rock will melt 1. Temperature: is it hot enough? 2. Pressure: Is there too much pressure for the rock to melt? 3. Fluids: Are fluids present in the rock?

6 6 Where are active volcanoes?

7 7 MAGMA IGNEOUS Plutonic Crystallization

8 INTRUSIVE FORMATIONS A. Batholith: “Deep Rock” Largest underground formation. (Think Bathtub) may form the core of a mountain B. Stock: Smaller more vertical intrusion C. Laccolith: “Lake of Rock” Push domes upward on the surface. D. Sill: Horizontal intrusion pushed between layers of rock E. Dikes: Flows through cracks, cuts across layers of rock

9 9 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic Crystallization

10 EXTRUSIVE FORMATIONS A. Volcano: A vent through which magma can reach the surface. B. Lava Flow: Flat masses of hardened lava. C. Lava Plateau: Series of flows that cover vast areas of land.

11 11

12 12 Rock Cycle: Sedimentary

13 13 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic Uplift Crystallization Weathering

14 14 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic SEDIMENT Uplift Crystallization Weathering SEDIMENT

15 15 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic SEDIMENT SEDIMENTARY Uplift Crystallization Weathering Erosion Transport Deposition

16 16 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic SEDIMENT SEDIMENTARY Uplift Crystallization Weathering Erosion Transport Deposition Lithification

17 17 Rock Cycle: Metamorphic

18 18 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic SEDIMENT SEDIMENTARY METAMORPHIC Uplift Burial Increased P&T Crystallization Weathering Erosion Transport Deposition

19 19 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic SEDIMENT SEDIMENTARY METAMORPHIC Uplift Burial Increased P&T Melting Crystallization Weathering Erosion Transport Deposition Can you see any shortcuts? Lithification

20 20 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic SEDIMENT SEDIMENTARY METAMORPHIC Uplift Burial Increased P&T Melting Crystallization Weathering Erosion Transport Deposition

21 The rock cycle demonstrates the relationships among the three major rock groups It is powered by the interior heat of the Earth As well as earth’s momentum and… The energy from the sun It involves processes on the Earth’s surface as well as the Earth’s interior It connects the “hydrologic cycle” with the “tectonic cycle”. In Conclusion…


23 23 MAGMA Volcanic IGNEOUS Plutonic SEDIMENT SEDIMENTARY METAMORPHIC Uplift Burial Increased P&T Melting Crystallization Weathering Erosion Transport Deposition

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