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Relocation, relocation, relocation... MFL, History and PHSE moving together…

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1 Relocation, relocation, relocation... MFL, History and PHSE moving together…

2 What are we trying to achieve? Developing language skills & processes Widen vocabulary & tenses regarding house and home, justifying opinion & using persuasive language. Enhance presentation skills: inc. oracy Provide opportunities for PLTS: develop ways of working together as a team and connecting with the wider school community Enhanced Cultural Understanding Developing language skills & processes Widen vocabulary & tenses regarding house and home, justifying opinion & using persuasive language. Enhance presentation skills: inc. oracy Provide opportunities for PLTS: develop ways of working together as a team and connecting with the wider school community Enhanced Cultural Understanding Develop aspects of local history and how they relate to a broader historical context Develop understanding of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity Develop use of evidence in historical enquiry Widen curriculum opportunities Develop aspects of local history and how they relate to a broader historical context Develop understanding of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity Develop use of evidence in historical enquiry Widen curriculum opportunities Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. Develop financial capability Develop skills for change and transition use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. Develop financial capability Develop skills for change and transition use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning

3 What differences do we want to see in our learners? Understanding of the house buying process Understanding of job application process Greater skills of evaluating the positive and negatives of a situation/scenario Development of intercultural understanding Improved concentration and focus in a group scenario Confident use of language for communication Enhanced research & presentation skills

4 Prepare a portfolio of evidence for a family from (X) that they should relocate to your local area. Provide information about: Your local area and facilities The local housing market, and buying process Local job markets and application processes Financial Projections, taking into account currency markets.

5 Study migration, migratory patterns and arguments within Study local history in relation to population change Study history of TL country in relation to migration Develop use of historical terminology and chronology in discussion Using evidence to build arguments Describe local area Describe House and home Design ideal home for family Construct for and against arguments for Town vs Country – push/pull factors. Compare ways of life in each country Prepare key ‘relocation’ vocabulary Prepare FAQs re: local area. Learn about mortgage process Learn about Currency markets Study and evaluate ‘risk’ – prepare risk assessment Explore change management – prepare FAQs Research local housing market Research local job market How can we organise learning?

6 How well did we achieve our aims? Pupils produce a portfolio of evidence across the subject areas for presentation which demonstrates: Knowledge about local area and influences over time in demographics : FAQs Knowledge about TL country and influences over time in demographics: FAQs Presentation about local housing market: properties available and budgets etc (video?) Key vocabulary presented for the visiting family ( from TL into English) Flow chart explaining mortgage process These presentations could be judged by local Estate Agents or other...

7 Key concepts Developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a range of situations and contexts. Using familiar language for new purposes and in different contexts Appreciating the richness and diversity of other cultures Recognising that there are different ways of seeing the world and developing an international outlook. Key Processes identify patterns in the target language develop techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings use previous knowledge, context and other clues to work out the meaning of what they hear or read listen for gist or detail Skim and scan written texts use correct pronunciation adapt language they already know in new contexts for different purposes Range & content learning about different countries and cultures comparing pupils’ own experiences and perspectives with those of people in countries and communities where the target language is spoken. Use a range of resources including live or recorded audio (including on-screen and multimodal texts) and the internet. Curriculum Opportunities communicate in the target language individually, in pairs, in groups and with speakers of the target language, for a variety of purposes. use an increasing range of more complex language listen to, read or view a range of materials, in the target language, both to support learning and for personal interest and enjoyment use the target language in connection with topics and issues that are engaging and may be related to other areas of the curriculum

8 Key concepts Developing a sense of period through describing and analysing the relationships between the characteristic features of periods and societies. Identifying and explaining change and continuity within and across periods of history. Analysing and explaining the reasons for, and results of, historical events, situations and changes. Considering the significance of events, people and developments in their historical context and in the present day. Key Processes identify and investigate, individually and as part of a team, specific historical questions or issues, making and testing hypotheses reflect critically on historical questions or issues. evaluate the sources used in order to reach reasoned conclusions. present and organise accounts and explanations about the past that are coherent, communicate using chronological conventions and historical vocabulary. Range & content the impact through time of the movement and settlement of diverse peoples to, from and within the British Isles the way in which the lives, beliefs, ideas and attitudes of people in Britain have changed over time Curriculum Opportunities explore the ways in which the past has helped shape identities, shared cultures, values and attitudes today investigate aspects of personal, family or local history and how they relate to a broader historical context

9 Key concepts Understanding that everyone has a ‘career’. Learning how to manage money and personal finances. Becoming critical consumers of goods and services. Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. Understanding the need to manage risk in the context of financial and career choices. Taking risks and learning from mistakes. Understanding the functions and uses of money Key Processes explain financial terms and products manage change and transition use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning Range & content the range of opportunities in learning and work and changing patterns of employment (local, national, European and global) the personal review and planning process a range of economic and business terms, including the effect of competition on product and price Curriculum Opportunities explore the ways in which the past has helped shape identities, shared cultures, values and attitudes today investigate aspects of personal, family or local history and how they relate to a broader historical context

10 Looking for evidence Photographs & videos Accounts & professional judgements from staff or pupils Results from practical tasks and assessment Listening to evidence Questionnaires and surveys Interviews and focus Learner logs and diaries Comments or Vox Pops from teachers, pupils and parents

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