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UWO Nanofabrication Facility and Science Studio. Facility to be hooked into Science Studio: Western Nanofabrication Facility, University of Western Ontario.

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Presentation on theme: "UWO Nanofabrication Facility and Science Studio. Facility to be hooked into Science Studio: Western Nanofabrication Facility, University of Western Ontario."— Presentation transcript:

1 UWO Nanofabrication Facility and Science Studio

2 Facility to be hooked into Science Studio: Western Nanofabrication Facility, University of Western Ontario

3 Device: Zeiss 1540XB FIB/SEM Technique: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) combined with Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analysis A highly focussed electron (primary) beam is scanned across a sample surface at an energy between 0.5-30 keV. Low energy secondary electrons are generated as a result. An image of the sample surface is constructed by measuring secondary electron intensity as a function of the primary electron beam position on the sample. Back scattered electrons and x-rays are also emitted from the bombardment of the sample surface by primary electrons. The intensity of the backscattered electrons is related to the atomic number of the element present and provides element contrast. X-rays emitted are characteristic of elements present in the sample. Quantitative elemental information can be obtained. Elemental maps can be generated.

4 ◊ The Scanning Electron Microscope is controlled by a computer system. ◊ The system is also fitted with an Oxford Instruments x-ray system allowing for elemental mapping and analysis of the sample. ◊ The x-ray system is controlled by a separate computer. This system is connected to the microscope and detector, and takes control of the microscope and detector in order to collect the emitted x-rays during elemental mapping and analysis of the sample.

5 Incorporation into Science Studio ◊ The Oxford Instruments x-ray system is proprietary. Incorporating the microscope/x-ray system into Science Studio would be done by means of ‘wrapping’, i.e., creating an interface between Science Studio and the system. A basic screen capture interface (terminal window) can be included in Science Studio to enable a user to operate the Oxford Instruments software. The terminal window can be provided within the main SS window. Sample Analysis Data ► Scanning electron micrographs (secondary electron images) ► Backscattered electron images ► EDX spectra and elemental maps Resulting data from sample analyses are incorporated into a Word document report. Data can also be exported in other formats. Data will be accessible for download from Science Studio.

6 Data is organized under the context of project, similar to our scheme in Science Studio

7 Software is user friendly.

8 System has its own analysis software with automatic identification of element peaks during acquisition.

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