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In 1948, Mackenzie King finally retired at the age of 73.  He was replaced as leader of the Liberal Party by Louis St. Laurent.

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2 In 1948, Mackenzie King finally retired at the age of 73.  He was replaced as leader of the Liberal Party by Louis St. Laurent.

3 Louis St. Laurent  Served as Prime Minister from 1948 to 1957  He seemed to like children, so the Liberals made sure he became known as “Uncle Louis” – a kindly relative.  In 1957, St. Laurent faced off against the new leader of the Progressive Conservatives, John Diefenbaker, in an election...


5 The 1957 election  By the 1950s, the media, especially television, had become instrumental in creating a public image.  St. Laurent, who was 75 years old, looked tired and depressed.  Diefenbaker, who was younger and full of energy, electrified Canadians who watched him speak on TV.  Result:  Diefenbaker won and became PM.  The Liberals chose a new leader, Lester B. Pearson.


7 Diefenbaker versus Pearson  For the next 10 years, these two men dominated Canadian politics.  They took turns being prime minister and leader of the opposition.  The battled each other in 5 elections over 10 years.

8 Diefenbaker  First German-Canadian and westerner to become PM.  He was from Saskatchewan.  First PM without a French or English background.  He believed in  “Unhyphenated Canadianism”  Preserving Canada’s ties with Britain  Standing up to the Americans  Defending human rights

9 Diefenbaker  His accomplishments include:  Appointing the first woman to the Cabinet  Appointing the first Aboriginal senator  Giving “Status Indians” the right to vote  Introducing the Canadian Bill of Rights  He was especially disliked by French-Canadians who saw themselves as a distinct nation and not as “unhyphenated Canadians”.

10 Pearson  He wanted Canada to have a new identity that would not be English or French but would be meaningful to all Canadians.  Accomplishments:  Trial abolition of capital punishment  Easier divorce laws  Introduction of Canada’s maple leaf flagmaple leaf flag  Improvement of Canada’s social welfare system, including:  Canada Pension Plan (1966)  Canada Assistance Plan (1966)  National Medical Care Act (1966)


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