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Mathematics at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School CPA approaches to teaching and learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School CPA approaches to teaching and learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School CPA approaches to teaching and learning

2 The purpose of this session Approaches to Mathematics at SS Peter and Paul (CPA) Trying out practical resources and problem solving The progression of calculations Finding out how parents can support learning at home

3 What are CPA approaches? ConcretePictorialAbstract The use of tools and objects that children can handle The use of drawings, images, diagrams or models that the children draw or use to solve problems More formal representations such as numbers, signs and symbols that the children write

4 Why CPA?

5 Implications for Secondary Education.

6 How do we compare with Singapore? 11% Advanced learners 6+ High Learners 5+ Intermediate Learners 4b+

7 CPA approaches at SS Peter and Paul Improving dialogue about mathematical concepts Improving thinking and questioning among children Enable children to be confident in risk taking Improving the progress and attainment in mathematics Appropriate challenge for all children

8 Problem solving at the heart of Mathematics Not rote procedures or memorisation but solving problems through: Visualisation Generalisation Making decisions

9 Problem Solving: The Bar Model There are 3 footballs in the red basket and 2 footballs in the blue basket. How many footballs are the all together? 3 2 5

10 Concrete to Abstract Concrete and Pictorial Abstract

11 Have a go at the activity provided on your table and think about the following: How might your child approach this using the apparatus? What might be the challenge? What language is involved? Activity time

12 Progression in Addition One more Counting on Number bonds to 5 then to 10 Partitioning

13 Progression in Subtraction One less Using counters, etc to take away Counting back JottingsUsing deines and place value to lead to more formal methods Using the number line to count on or count back the difference

14 Have a go at the activity provided on your table and think about the following: How might your child approach this using the apparatus? What might be the challenge? What language is involved? Activity time

15 Progression in Multiplication Grouping and doubling Repeated addition Partitioning Multiplication Grid Arrays Number lines

16 Progression in Division Sharing Halving Counting back in groups on a number line Arrays Repeated subtraction

17 Have a go at the activity provided on your table and think about the following: How might your child approach this using the apparatus? What might be the challenge? What language is involved? Activity time

18 How to support your child at home Play Maths Talk Maths Use Mathletics Encourage drawings and the use of apparatus

19 How to support your child at home Be positive Praise effort

20 Feedback Please fill in a comment slip on what you would like us to cover in our next Mathematics curriculum meeting

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