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Faith and Culture A Simple Approach to a Complicated Relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Faith and Culture A Simple Approach to a Complicated Relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith and Culture A Simple Approach to a Complicated Relationship

2 Faith and Culture: Overview  Assumptions  Working definitions of culture  Determinants of North American Culture(s)  Brief Exercise  Arbuckle’s Lessons for Inculturation  A semiotic framework of assessment  Brief Exercise  Q & A

3 Faith and Culture: Assumptions  Faith  Mediation  Primacy of Culture and History  Cultural forms of faith expression  Scripture and Tradition

4 Faith and Culture: Assumptions  Change in culture and faith expressions  Reciprocal influence of faith and culture  Development of doctrine  No “un-inculturated” faith  Encounters with culture

5 Faith and Culture: Approaches to Culture  Classicist culture  Modern culture  Postmodern culture  A working definition of culture (Arbuckle)

6 Faith and Culture: A working definition of culture  A culture is a pattern of meanings: Encased in a network of symbols, myths, narratives and rituals Created by individuals and subdivisions, as they struggle to respond to the competitive pressures of power and limited resources in a rapidly globalizing and fragmenting world And instructing its adherents about what is considered to be the correct way to feel, think and behave.

7 Faith and Culture: Determinants of North American Culture  A digital age and digital divides  Globalization and resistances  Secularization  Religious pluralism  Fundamentalisms  Scientific worldviews  The new atheism

8 Faith and Culture: Determinants of North American Culture  Consumerism  Ethnicities  Class differences  Individualism  Feminism  Diversity  Change as a constant  Et Cetera…

9 Faith and Culture: Brief Exercise  Rate the most important determinants (or clusters of determinants) of North American culture(s) as they relate to faith in all of its forms: our relationship to God, evangelization, catechesis, ecclesial forms and dynamics, etc.

10 Faith and Culture: Arbuckle’s Lessons for Inculturation  Definition of Inculturation: “Inculturation is a dialectical interaction between Christian faith and cultures in which these cultures are challenged, affirmed, and transformed toward the reign of God, and in which Christian faith is likewise challenged, affirmed, and enhanced by this experience….” (Arbuckle, 152)

11 Faith and Culture: Implications for Faith and Culture  Inculturation by listening Inculturation is person-centered Inculturation is a collaborative process Inculturation requires spiritual and human gifts Liberation is an integral part of inculturation Inculturation affirms goodness in mythology

12 Faith and Culture: Implications for Faith and Culture  Openness to learn  Inculturation requires dialogue  Inculturation recognizes diversities  Inculturation through storytelling  Inculturation through functional substitution  Conclusions

13 Faith and Culture: A semiotic framework for assessment  Premises  A mathematical analogy

14 Faith and Culture: A Mathematical Analogy  1 / 2 = 2 / 4  1 / 2 = x / 4  1 / 2 = 2 / x  1 / 2 = 2 / (3 – 2) + 1  Symbol / Context (culture) = Symbol / Context (culture)

15 Faith and Culture: A Brief Exercise  Given the determinants of our post- modern culture, what kinds of questions would provide fruitful dialogue for inculturation around these topics/issues?  How would these faith issues/categories/doctrines be transmitted in a process of inculturation?

16 Faith and Culture: A brief exercise  Atonement  Church authority  Community  Human personhood/dignity  Creation and Eschatology  Original sin  The resurrection of the body  Sexual morality  Efficacy of prayer/sacraments  Sunday obligation  God  Jesus as the one and only savior  Sin and forgiveness  Evangelization

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