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Blocking Below the Waist

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1 Blocking Below the Waist
Tony Dutton

2 Block Below the Waist Defined (2-3-2)
Initial contact below the waist (except against the runner). When in question, contact is below the waist. Opponent has one or both feet on the ground. Not block below the waist if: Contact above the waist and slide below. First contacts opponent’s hands at or above the waist.

3 Not a block Below the Waist if opponent has both feet off the ground.

4 Not a Block below the Waist if initial
contact with hands is above the waist.

5 Illegal Block below the Waist. Initial
contact with hands below the waist.

6 Rule Governing Block Below the Waist (9-1-2-e)
Basically a legal block. Blocking below the waist is permitted with six exceptions (when it is an illegal block).

7 Exceptions 1 & 2 “Crackback”
Block below the waist is illegal if: Toward the original position of the ball; In, behind, or within 10 yards beyond the neutral zone, and: By offensive linemen at the snap more than seven yards from middle lineman or; By backs positioned at the snap outside the normal tackle position or in motion.

8 Blocking Below the Waist

9 Exception 3 Block below the waist is illegal:
By defensive players against an eligible Team A receiver beyond the neutral zone. A receiver remains eligible until a legal forward pass is no longer possible by rule.

10 Exception 4 Block below the waist is illegal when:
There is a free kick or; There is a scrimmage kick from a scrimmage kick formation. All players prohibited from blocking below the waist.

11 Free Kick. All players prohibited from
Blocking below the waist.

12 Scrimmage Kick. All players prohibited from
Blocking below the waist

13 Scrimmage Kick. All players prohibited
From blocking below the waist.

14 Exception 5 Block below the waist is illegal:
After any change of team possession. All players are prohibited from blocking below the waist.

15 Exception 6 Block below the waist is illegal: Against a Team A player:
Behind the neutral zone and; In position to receive a backward pass.

16 Pop Quiz (from Miller) Coach explains the formation this way:
Split end with slot back and back outside the end. All located within 6 yards of center (middle lineman). OK for all to block below the waist toward the center. Right?

17 ? E T G C G T E ? ? SB B 6 yds

18 OK E T G C G T E Foul Foul SB B 6 yds

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