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Presentation on theme: "BLOOD VESSELS & LYMPHATIC VESSELS"— Presentation transcript:

Y. Andwi Ari Sumiwi Bagian Histologi dan Biologi Sel FK UGM

2 Sistem Sirkulatori : Sistem vasa darah Sistem vasa limfatika

3 Sistem vasa darah Jantung Arteri Kapiler vena

4 Fungsi : mengembalikan cairan jaringan ke aliran darah
Sistem vasa limfatika Kapiler limfatik ---> berakhir pada sistem vasa darah (vena besar dekat jantung) Fungsi : mengembalikan cairan jaringan ke aliran darah

5 Macrovasculature : > 0,1 mm Microvasculature :
Arteriola besar, arteri muskular, arteri elastik, vena muskular Microvasculature : Arteriola, kapiler, venula postkapiler

6 Struktur Umum Dinding Vasa Darah
Tunica intima Endothelium Stratum subendothelial Lamina elastica interna (pd arteri) Tunica media Otot polos Serabut elastik Lamina elastica externa Tunica adventitia: jaringan ikat

7 Arteri muscular & arteri elastic

8 Arteri elastic: aorta

9 Arteri dan Vena Medium

10 vena

11 Arteri dan Vena Kecil

12 Kapiler

13 Kapiler Kapiler kontinyu/ continuous capillaries
Kapiler fenestrata/ fenestrated capillaries Kapiler sinusoid tidak kontinyu Karakteristik : Meluas (30-40μm) dng sirkulasi lambat Sel endotel diskontinyu Makrofag diantara sel endotel atau di luar endothelium Lamina basalis diskontinyu

14 Continuous capillary Figure 11—14. Electron micrograph of a transverse section of a continuous capillary. Note the nucleus (N) and the junctions between neighboring cells (arrowheads). Numerous pinocytotic vesicles are evident (small arrows). The large arrows show large vesicles being formed by infoldings of broad sheets of the endothelial cell cytoplasm. x10,000.

15 Fenestrated capillary
Figure 11—15. A fenestrated capillary in the kidney. Arrows indicate fenestrae closed by diaphragms. In this cell the Golgi complex (G), nucleus (N), and centrioles (C) can be seen. Note the continuous basal lamina on the outer surface of the endothelial cell (double arrows). Medium magnification. (Courtesy of J Rhodin.)

16 Figure 11—5. Graph showing the relationship between the characteristics of blood circulation (left) and the structure of the blood vessels (bottom). The arterial blood pressure and speed of flow decrease and become more constant as the distance from the heart increases. This decrease coincides with a reduction in the number of elastic fibers and an increase in the number of smooth muscle cells in the arteries. The graph illustrates the gradual changes in the structure of vessels and their biophysical properties. (Reproduced, with permission, from Cowdry EV: Textbook of Histology. Lea & Febiger, 1944.)

17 Mikrosirkulasi


19 Figure 11—23. Structure of a lymphatic capillary at the electron microscope level. Note the overlapping free borders of endothelial cells, the discontinuous basal lamina (arrows), and the attachment of anchoring fibrils (AF). (Courtesy of J James.)

20 Figure 11—24. Two lymphatic vessels (LV)
Figure 11—24. Two lymphatic vessels (LV). The vessel on top was sectioned longitudinally and shows a valve, the structure responsible for the unidirectional flow of lymph. The solid arrow shows the direction of the lymph flow, and the dotted arrows show how the valves prevent lymph backflow. The lower small vessel presents a very thin wall. PT stain. Medium magnification.





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