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Presentation on theme: "Dental Formula Dr.MUSTAFA I.ELGHOUL B.SC,B.D.S, M.S(ORTHO)"— Presentation transcript:


2 The denomination and number of teeth for all Mammalia are expressed by formulae. The denomination of each tooth is represented by its initial letter, I for incisor, C for canine, P for premolar. M for molar; each letter is followed by a horizontal line and the number of each type of tooth is placed above the line for the maxilla (upper jaw) and below the line for the mandible (lower jaw). The formula includes one side only.

3 The dental formula for the primary teeth in humans is:
2 C 1 M = 10

4 This formula should be read thus: Incisors, two maxillary and two mandibular; canines, one maxillary and one mandibular; molars, two maxillary and two mandibular, or ten altogether on one side, right or left.

5 The permanent dental formula in humans is:
2 C 1 P M 3 = 16




9 To complete oral examination on a patient, it is necessary to use a standardized system for tooth numbering.

10 Numbering and Coding Systems of the Teeth (Nomenclature)

11 Tooth Quadrant Arch Dentition Canine Right Mandibular Permanent 1 Molar Left Maxillary Primary

12 Universal System. Palmer Notation System. The Federation Dentaire International.

13 Universal System: It uses the Arabic numbering system from 1 through 32 for Permanent Teeth. The letters A through T are used for the Primary Teeth. For the Mixed Dentition we use Arabic numbers and Letters.

14 For Permanent Teeth


16 For Primary Teeth


18 Palmer Notation System:
In this system each of the four quadrants is given its own symbol. A cross is drown, the horizontal line of which separates the maxillary teeth above from the mandibular teeth below. The vertical line represents the median line of the mouth separating the right from the left side.

19 Mandibular Right Teeth
Palmer Notation System: Maxillary Left Teeth Maxillary Right Teeth Madibular Left Teeth Mandibular Right Teeth

20 For Permanent Teeth

21 Mandibular Right Teeth
Maxillary Left Teeth Maxillary Right Teeth 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Madibular Left Teeth Mandibular Right Teeth


23 For Primary Teeth

24 Mandibular Right Teeth
Maxillary Left Teeth Maxillary Right Teeth E D C B A Madibular Left Teeth Mandibular Right Teeth


26 The Federation Dentaire International:
(FDI) system assigns two numbers to each tooth in any quadrant. The first number indicates the quadrant in which the tooth is positioned and the second number identifies the specific tooth. The first numbers 1 through 4 for Permanent Dentition, 5 through 8 for the Primary Dentition.

27 Mandibular Right Teeth
Permanent Dentition Maxillary Left Teeth Maxillary Right Teeth 2 1 3 4 Madibular Left Teeth Mandibular Right Teeth

28 Mandibular Right Teeth
Permanent Dentition Maxillary Left Teeth Maxillary Right Teeth 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Mandibular Left Teeth Mandibular Right Teeth


30 Mandibular Right Teeth
Primary Dentition Maxillary Left Teeth Maxillary Right Teeth 6 5 7 8 Madibular Left Teeth Mandibular Right Teeth

31 Mandibular Right Teeth
Primary Dentition Maxillary Left Teeth Maxillary Right Teeth 65 64 63 62 61 51 52 53 54 55 75 74 73 72 71 81 82 83 84 85 Mandibular Left Teeth Mandibular Right Teeth


33 Thank You

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