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Wounds Types of Open Wounds Abrasion – scrape

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1 Wounds Types of Open Wounds Abrasion – scrape
Incision – smooth edged cut Laceration – jagged irregular edges

2 Types of Wounds #2 Puncture – deep, narrow stab wound
High rate of infection (animal bites) Should heal from inside out Avulsion – flap of skin torn loose Amputation – cutting off a body part

3 Open Wounds: What To Do Wear gloves and expose wound Control bleeding
Clean wounds To prevent infection Wash shallow wound gently with soap and water (betadine) Wash from the center out / Irrigate with water Severe wound? Clean only after bleeding has stopped

4 Wound Care Do not close wound with steri-strips
Use roller bandages (or tape dressing to the body) Keep dressings dry and clean Change at least daily More frequently if wet or dirty Use antibiotic ointments for shallow wounds only

5 Wound Care #2 Do not apply:
Mercurochrome, merthiolate, or iodine (p.121) Do not make dressing air tight If dressing sticks? soften with warm water prior to removal

6 Signs of Wound Infection
Swelling, redness, pain, warmth Fever / chills Swollen lymph nodes Red streaks Tetanus (lock jaw) Receive injection in first 72 hours Throbbing Pus

7 When To Seek Medical Attention ** Indicates High Chance of Infection
Arterial or other uncontrolled bleeding Deep incisions, lacerations, avulsions **Large or deep punctures Severe injury in “bend” Wound gapes open (stitches) Large or deeply imbedded objects **Significant debris (bike wreck, chainsaw, tattoo **Animal bites, ragged wounds

8 When To Seek Medical Attention #2
If scarring would be significant Eyelids (prevent drooping) Slit lips Extremely dirty Injury to bone, joint, tendon Any situation in doubt (ear ring) If no tetanus shot in past 10 years 5 years for dirty wound Significant infection

9 Amputations Crushing Guillotine De-gloving Poor chance of reattachment
Clean cut Good chance of reattachment (fingertips of kitchen counter) De-gloving Skin peeled off

10 Amputation: What To Do Control bleeding Treat for shock
Recover body part Transport

11 To Care For Amputated Part:
Wrap in dry clean cloth Do not wrap in wet dressing Place in waterproof container Place bag on bed of ice Transport immediately

12 Blisters Prevention Duct tape (hike up mountain) Donut shaped moleskin
Spenco second skin Do not remove “roof” “hanging roof”

13 Open or Painful Blister
Clean blister site To drain a blister: Sterilize needle Make several holes at blister base Apply antibiotic ointment and dressing Change daily Check for infection

14 Impaled Object Do not remove Control bleeding Stabilize object
Shorten object only if necessary One exception: If impaled in cheek and > l hour from help Dressings inside and outside of cheek (frog gig) Houston, TX, Dec. 2000 Child with pencil

15 Impaled Eye Cover both eyes Seek medical attention
Do not apply pressure to eye Place padding around object Stabilize object Paper cup Cover both eyes Explain to victim Seek medical attention

16 Fish-hook Removal Do not remove if near eye or other problem areas
Tape in place, transport Otherwise: Ice area Push hook through Cut off barb and back hook out

17 Gunshot Wounds What To Do Check ABCD’s Expose , finding entry and exit
Control bleeding Apply dressing / bandage Treat for shock Keep victim calm and quiet Transport

18 Prevention of Gunshot Wounds
Hunter’s Education Unloaded and loaded guns Unlocked guns

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