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ON-DEMAND WRITING Is completed in one session (usually 60 minutes, time may be extended) Is writing that is relevant to your life and the lives of those.

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Presentation on theme: "ON-DEMAND WRITING Is completed in one session (usually 60 minutes, time may be extended) Is writing that is relevant to your life and the lives of those."— Presentation transcript:

1 ON-DEMAND WRITING Is completed in one session (usually 60 minutes, time may be extended) Is writing that is relevant to your life and the lives of those around you. Is writing in a specific FORM, for a specific AUDIENCE, and for a specific PURPOSE.

Measures the level at which a student correctly produces a letter, editorial, article, or speech Purpose is to narrate an event, persuade, or respond. Consists of a situation and a writing task which gives form, purpose, and audience for students to address. May contain text, graphic, or chart to which student responds Requires use of the Steps of the Writing Process: Prewrite/Draft/Revise/Edit/Publish Limited to 60 minutes-Four pages Spelling, capitalization, paragraphs, grammar counts OPEN RESPONSE Measures the level at which a student applies concepts/processes in context in reading content Purpose is to both demonstrate content knowledge and to apply that knowledge. Contains a focus statement/scenario/lead-in followed by one or more content-related questions-tasks using high-level power verbs Contains reading material, (Situation) to which the student responds, (Prompt/Task) Graphic organizer STATEMENT-REASON-EVIDENCE (SRE) can be used Usually completed in minutes, with extended time allowed. Limit One Page Spelling, capitalization, paragraphs, grammar do not count as long as scoring can decipher

3 There are two parts to an On-Demand Writing Prompt
Situation = context for the student that engages the student with background information There are many new families moving into our county. We want to be sure these families know that our school is special. Task = statement specifying the audience, purpose, and form Write an article for the local newspaper narrating an event that made our school special to you.

4 On Demand Statement: As a __________ (your role)
Student, consumer, etc I am writing a ___________(form) Letter, article, editorial, speech To ____________(audience) The person(s) who will read your form For ____________(purpose) What you are trying to accomplish

5 R- Role? What is my role as the writer of this task? What could I include from my own experience to develop the piece of writing? What is/are the role(s) of the audience that might help me select the main ideas and/or support to communicate well with her/him/them?

6 A-Audience? Who am I writing to? What do I know about this audience? What should I plan to include for communicating well and achieving the purpose?

7 M-Mode (also called Form)
In what Mode (Form) am I to write? What are the characteristics of that form (mode)? P - Purpose? Why am I writing? What is my REASON for writing? How can I make this clear and effective for the intended reader(s)?

8 S -Situation? How might I use the situation presented in the task to begin my writing? What situations can I bring to the task to establish an angle for the focused purpose? Why/How is the situation important to the reader(s) and the purpose (to create context for the reader)? (When planning a task, should be first.)

9 R- Role? A-Audience? M- Mode? P – Purpose? S -Situation?

10 Writing Organizer of 3 Situation: Sometimes during the winter season, we miss school because of snow. Writing Task: Write an article for our class newsletter describing 3 of your favorite snow day activities. Who is the audience? What is the form? What is the purpose? Develop Lead sentence(s) Provide Supporting detail Supporting detail Concluding sentence(s)

11 Graphic Organizer: of 3 My topic is: ________________________ Introduction: ______________________ I will write to: ______________________ Main idea 1: _______________________ Support for my main idea:_____________ Main idea 2: _______________________ Support for my main idea:_____________ Main idea 3: _______________________ Conclusion: ________________________

12 Who is the audience? Classmates 3 of 3
What is the form? Article What is the purpose? Describe three favorite snow day activities Lead sentence(s): “No school today in _____ County.” These are the words students love to hear in the winter. Of course, everyone has things they like to do on snow days. Here are some of my favorites; Supporting detail: sleeping late, warm and snuggly in bed, no nagging to get up, no need to hurry, Supporting detail: sledding with friends, several great hills, thrilling experiences, Supporting detail: snowball fights at my friend’s house, building forts forming teams, Concluding sentence(s): You may prefer to catch up on reading, make cookies, watch television, or play video games on snow days. Whatever you like, the best part is being able to choose your favorite activities.

13 Student responses are scored based on
how well the writing sticks to the purpose specified; includes what the audience (reader) would expect or need to know; is organized in an understandable way; includes complete, interesting sentences; uses words correctly and effectively demonstrates correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

2-NOT YET 3-ALMOST 4-BEST JOB Attempts to establish and maintain a narrowed purpose; lacks focus Indicates some aware-ness of audience’s needs; makes some attempt to communicate with an audience Provides some idea development and details/support; support may be unelaborated, and /or repetitious; may apply some characteristics of the genre Establishes and maintains an authentic focused purpose throughout Indicates an awareness of audience’s needs; communicates with audience; conveys voice and/or appropriate tone Provides depth of idea development and specific, sufficient details/support; applies characteristics of the genre Establishes and maintains an authentic and insightful focused purpose throughout Indicates strong awareness of audience’s needs; commun-icates effectively with audience; sustains distinctive voice and-or appropriate tone Conveys reflective, analytical or insightful idea development; provides specific, thorough support; skillfully applies characteristics of the genre

2-NOT YET 3-ALMOST 4-BEST JOB Demonstrates logical organization with lapses in coherence Demonstrates some connections through transitional elements Demonstrates simple and/or awkward sentence structure Demonstrates logical, coherent organization Demonstrates transitions correctly throughout Demonstrates controlled and variety in sentence structure Demonstrates careful and/or subtle organization that enhances the purpose Demonstrates varied and subtle transitions Demonstrates control and variety in sentence structure and length to enhance meaning

16 Scoring Guide On Demand CONVENTIONS
2-NOT YET 3-ALMOST 4-BEST JOB Demonstrates errors in grammar and usage that do not interfere with communication Demonstrates Simplistic and/or imprecise word choice Demonstrates some errors in correctness that do not interfere with communication Demonstrates control of grammar and usage relative to length and complexity Demonstrates Acceptable word choice appropriate for audience and purpose Demonstrates few errors in correctness relative to length and complexity Demonstrates control of grammar and usage enhances the meaning Demonstrates accurate, rich and/or precise word choice appropriate for audience and purpose Demonstrates control of correctness to enhance communication

17 Narrative Graphic Organizer
BEGINNING Attention Grabber MIDDLE Create a picture END Convey the lesson WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY Discuss the first event (5 senses) Connect back to you lead at the beginning Provide an insightful question to the reader Make a prediction or review the main points Provide background information Discuss the third event (5 senses) Ask the reader to reflect of what they have read

18 Purpose - Narrate Narrate means to tell about an event in story form, in order to support an idea, request, opinion, conclusion, or interpretation. This may be based on you experience, opinion, or provided information. Prompt may begin with: Tell about a time…. Refer to your experience…… Relate to a time when you….

19 Situation: Everyone is afraid of something- heights, spiders or flying just to mention a few. What do you fear the most? Task: Write a letter to a peer telling about a situation in which you had to face your fear. Indicate what happened and what you did to overcome the fear or if it still frightens you today. As a __________ (your role) I am writing a ___________(form) To ____________(audience) For ____________(purpose)

20 Introduction Developing On Demand writing:
At least one full paragraph in which you Provide background information and explanation Explain the situation issue/problem/question Lead the reader to your purpose-main idea Engage the reader with relevance

21 Body Usually more than one paragraph
Provides support or evidence for your purpose-main idea Explains in order to help a reader understand and accept what you are offering May include; Important relevant information, facts, and details Refer to materials read Tell a story based on experience Give important examples Share what you know Discuss answers to possible questions the reader may have

22 Conclusion This is the part that closes your writing and emphasizes your purpose. At least one full paragraph Refers back to your main point-purpose May make a request of the reader Explains what the support and evidence proves, supports, or shows Emphasize the importance of your ideas, opinion, etc. Helps reader understand how what you have written applies to them-audience

23 Informing Graphic Organizer
BEGINNING The LEAD MIDDLE Idea Development END Convey the lesson Set the purpose -Explain why you are writing Give facts, examples, details, and/or descriptions Leave the reader with something to think about Provide background information Use subheadings, labeled lists, illustrations, diagrams, examples Provide a question for the reader Provide a question for the reader to consider Provide and explain steps for completing the tasks Make a prediction Use a quotation Create scenario/ statement/Quote Provide personal experience Restate the purpose

24 Purpose - Inform Inform means you are to provide information, and/or share your knowledge: To help the reader understand something relevant to their lives. To accomplish a task/procedure, Achieve a goal Solve a problem Prompt may begin with: Share your knowledge … Provide information that will … Help readers understand….

25 Situation: When facing a new experience, everyone tends to react differently. Some people become anxious, some get frightened, and some people face new experiences calmly. Knowing how others have dealt with new experiences can better prepare us for similar situations. Task: Write an article for the school newspaper narrating a time you faced a new experience in order to help students successfully deal with new experiences. As a more experienced student (your role) I am writing a school newspaper article (form) To less experienced students (audience) Explaining ways to deal with new experiences (purpose)

26 PERSUADE Graphic Organizer
Beginning-Lead Set Purpose Middle-Idea Development End-Conclusion Give background information Give at least three reasons-most important reason last Utilize a call to action-encourage your reader to do something Provide a question for the reader Draw on facts/provide examples/opinion/ Provide a question for the reader to consider Create a scenario Give cause and effect Discuss pro’s and con’s Make a prediction Restate Purpose or Opinion Establish context-situation or circumstance Employ transitions/ emotional appeal Employ emotional appeal

27 Purpose - Persuade Convince the reader…. Urge readers to….
Persuade means to influence readers to feel the same way you do about something. You may be asked to persuade your audience to take an action you suggest or to accept an idea you present about a specific subject. Prompt may begin with: Convince the reader…. Urge readers to…. Write to encourage others to agree…

28 Situation: Your parents want to pick you up from school each day
Situation: Your parents want to pick you up from school each day. You would rather ride the bus each day. Task: Write a letter to your parents convincing them to let you ride the bus. The Graphic Organizer: As a trustworthy child (your role) I am writing a letter (form) To my parents (audience) For persuasion (purpose)

29 Situation: Girls and boys often enjoy playing the same sport
Situation: Girls and boys often enjoy playing the same sport. Some people believe that girls and boys should be able to play on the same team. What is your opinion on this issue? Task: Write an essay stating your opinion and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail. As a student athlete (your role) I am writing a letter (form) To the principal (audience) To persuade (purpose)

30 Situation: Your principal has asked students to suggest a school rule that should be changed. Think of one rule that you would like to have changed. Task: Write a letter convincing your principal that this rule should be changed. Be sure to support your opinion with convincing reasons and evidence. As a __________ (your role) I am writing a ___________(form) To ____________(audience) For ____________(purpose)

31 Situation: Your school principal is considering a new policy that will require all students to wear uniforms. What is your position concerning this issue? Task: Write a letter to your principal stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail. As a student (your role) I am writing a letter (form) To the principal (audience) To persuade (purpose)

32 Situation: If you could change one thing to make the world a better place what would it be? Think about things you would change. Think about reasons you would change them. Task: Choose one thing to change and write an article giving your reader several reasons why it is the most important thing to change in order to make the world a better place. Remember to use specific details to support and explain your reasons. Use interesting adjectives and descriptions to make your paper interesting to read. As a ____________________ (your role) I am writing a ____________(form) To ______________________(audience) For _____________________(purpose)

33 Situation: A wealthy donor plans to build a new facility that will benefit young people in your area. It could be a swimming pool, a theater, a skateboard park, an art school, or any other facility that would provide young people with constructive ways to spend their time. The donor is not sure what kind of facility would be most useful. Task: Write a letter to the donor in which you identify the type of facility you would like to have built, and persuade her that it is the best choice. Be sure to support your opinion with convincing reasons and evidence.

34 Situation: Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Task: Write a narrative about a time when you did something you thought you could not do. Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your story. As a __________ (your role) I am writing a ___________(form) To ____________(audience) For ____________(purpose)

35 Situation: Best friends are special people in our lives
Situation: Best friends are special people in our lives. Think about your best friend and reasons that you like him or her. Think about things that you enjoy doing together. Task: Write a letter nominating your friend for an award. Include at least three reasons why s/he is your best friend. Remember to use specific details to explain and support your reasons. Use interesting adjectives and descriptive words to make your paper interesting to read. Include a short personal story about your best friend to help explain one of your reasons. This can be started by using the words: "An example of this is" .... or "I remember one time when".

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