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What is an Analogy? An analogy is a statement in which two word pairs share the same relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Analogy? An analogy is a statement in which two word pairs share the same relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Analogy? An analogy is a statement in which two word pairs share the same relationship.

2 finger: hand:: toe: foot
Analogy Tips A typical analogy looks like this: finger: hand:: toe: foot The colon (:) means “is to” and the double colon (::) means “as.” The analogy is read “Finger to hand as toe is to foot.” as is to is to finger hand toe foot

3 Common Types of Analogies
word: antonym exciting: dull part: whole wing: airplane cause: effect drought: famine worker: tool carpenter: hammer worker: product baker: bread item: purpose ruler: measure word: synonym slim: slender item: category robin: bird

4 Relationship Sentences
The best way to figure out the relationship between a pair of words is to create a relationship sentence. A relationship sentence is a simple sentence that clearly shows the relationship between the two words.

5 Write a relationship sentence for the following:
elm: tree Think: “An elm is a type of tree.” Test: Which of the following two word pairs is the correct analogy? A) rose: flower B) grass : meadow elm: tree

6 Write: Relationship Sentences
Elm is a type of tree. A rose is a type of flower That makes sense. A grass is a type of meadow That doesn’t make sense. The correct answer is elm : tree :: rose : flower

7 Relationship Sentences
Sometimes a relationship sentence isn’t specific enough the first time around. When that happens, the relationship sentence needs to be adjusted. Here’s an example: bird : nest :: _________ : ___________ a. goose : duck b. tree: forest c. water : ripple d: bear : cave

8 bird : nest :: _________ : ___________
Example Analogy bird : nest :: _________ : ___________ a. goose : duck b. tree: forest c. water : ripple d: bear : cave A relationship sentence for bird : nest might be, “A bird lives in a nest.” Another could be, “A bird builds a nest.” We have to test each choice by plugging it into the relationship sentence.

9 Analogies summon : dismiss :: _________ : __________ a. call : reply
b. intend : try c. intervene : meddle d. gather : disperse 1) what type of analogy is this? 2) Write your relationship statement.

10 Analogies Complete the analogy.
pacify : calm :: ___________ : _____________ a. identify : mysterious b. fortify : strong c. testify : suspicious d. mortify : happy 1) Write a relationship sentence. 2) What type of analogy is this?

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