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Google Glass Barry Burd Drew University 1 This presentation © 2014 Barry Burd Slides available at

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Presentation on theme: "Google Glass Barry Burd Drew University 1 This presentation © 2014 Barry Burd Slides available at"— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Glass Barry Burd Drew University 1 This presentation © 2014 Barry Burd Slides available at

2 Agenda What's Google Glass all about? Try them on ? & ! 2

3 Availability Available to Explorers for $1500 You can try it today 3

4 The MyGlass page 4

5 Network Connections WiFi directly to unsecured hotspot WiFi directly to secured hotspot via MyGlass setup Wifi tethering to Android phone or iPhone 5

6 6

7 The Card metaphor 7 8:00 "ok glass" Ewing, NJ 64 o (most recent card) 8:00 (device settings) "ok glass" (next most recent card) Your current timeline Home Items come and go... Pinned items Imagine a carousel

8 Controlling the device Voice commands "OK Glass" activates voice commands Head movements Lifting head brings Glass out of dormancy (No keyboard input that I'm aware of without a hack or an app) Swipes on the side Tapping drills down into a card (for a "sub-timeline") or brings Glass out of dormancy Down-swipe is "dismiss" or "back" or "become dormant" Side-to-side swipe is like a carousel for the cards 8

9 Swipes on the side Tapping drills down into a card (for a "sub-timeline") or brings Glass out of dormancy 9

10 Swipes on the side Down-swipe is "dismiss" or "back" or "become dormant" 10

11 Swipes on the side Side-to-side swipe is like a carousel for the cards 11

12 Demos Take a picture; take a video Google for something (with sound) Get directions Word Lens How do you say " " in " "? Level app, Compass app Play a game with... Matcher, Tennis Post an update... My learn-a-language app Students' keyboard apps 12

13 13

14 The Level App 14

15 Developing for Glass 15

16 16

17 { "kind": "mirror#timelineItem", "id": "cedf4878-b2e7-4a9e-9fb8-6d6b66527932", "created": "2014-02-26T04:14:20.120Z", "updated": "2014-02-26T04:14:20.120Z", "etag": "1393388060120", "html": " \n \n This paragraph auto- resizes according to the HTML content length.\n \n \n \n", "notification": { "level": "DEFAULT" } 17

18 Developing with Android: Handling Cards 18 swipe

19 Developing with Android: Handling Cards 19

20 The code: public class CardScrollActivity extends Activity { private List mCards; private CardScrollView mCardScrollView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); createCards(); mCardScrollView = new CardScrollView(this); ExampleCardScrollAdapter adapter = new ExampleCardScrollAdapter(); mCardScrollView.setAdapter(adapter); mCardScrollView.activate(); setContentView(mCardScrollView); } 20

21 private void createCards() { mCards = new ArrayList (); Card card; card = new Card(this); card.setText("This card has a footer."); card.setFootnote("I'm the footer!"); mCards.add(card); card = new Card(this); card.setText("This card has a kitten background image."); card.setFootnote("How can you resist?"); card.setImageLayout(Card.ImageLayout.FULL); card.addImage(R.drawable.kitten_bg); mCards.add(card); card = new Card(this); card.setText("This card has a mosaic of kitties."); card.setFootnote("Aren't they precious?"); card.setImageLayout(Card.ImageLayout.LEFT); card.addImage(R.drawable.kitten_small_1); card.addImage(R.drawable.kitten_small_2); card.addImage(R.drawable.kitten_small_3); mCards.add(card); } 21

22 private class ExampleCardScrollAdapter extends CardScrollAdapter { @Override public int findIdPosition(Object id) { return -1; } @Override public int findItemPosition(Object item) { return mCards.indexOf(item); } @Override public int getCount() { return mCards.size(); } @Override public Object getItem(int position) { return mCards.get(position); } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { return mCards.get(position).toView(); } 22

23 ? & !? & ! 23 Barry Burd Drew University Slides available at

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