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Jim Gurka GOES-R Ground Segment Project Scientist Program Council for the National Operational Processing Centers June 13, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Gurka GOES-R Ground Segment Project Scientist Program Council for the National Operational Processing Centers June 13, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Gurka GOES-R Ground Segment Project Scientist Program Council for the National Operational Processing Centers June 13, 2012

2 Why GOES-R? Visual & IR Imagery Lightning Mapping Space Weather Monitoring Solar Imaging GOES-R will provide improved detection and observations of meteorological phenomena that directly impact public safety, protection of property, and economic health and development 2 Improve hurricane track & intensity forecasts Increase thunderstorm & tornado warning lead time Improve aviation flight route planning Data for long-term climate variability studies Improve solar flare warnings for communications and navigation disruptions More accurate monitoring of energetic particles responsible for radiation hazards to humans and spacecraft Better monitoring of Coronal Mass Ejections to improve geomagnetic storm forecasting

3 Continuity of GOES Operational Satellite Program Continuity of GOES Operational Satellite Program 3

4 Program/ System Flight Segment Ground Segment System Design Review complete All instruments have passed CDR 100 % delivery of baseline product algorithms Spacecraft Instruments DevelopmentIntegration and Testing S/C SDR complete 4 ABI Delta CDR complete Core GS PDR completed Antenna System PDR completed GS Project PDR complete 20102011201220132014 2015 Mission PDR Part I Mission PDR Part II S/C PDR complete S/C CDR ABI Delivery SEISS Delivery EXIS Delivery SUVI Delivery GLM Delivery Mission CDR Antenna System CDR GS Project CDR ESPDS CDR CLASS CDR RBU/NSOF/WCDAS installation WCDAS complete Launch Readiness Oct. 2015 RBU complete NSOF complete GOES–R Milestones Core GS CDR MAG Delivery

5 User Readiness Plan completed February 2012 Live Media Event at Goddard April 3, 2012 – 2012 tornado season – More than 40 stations across the country participated including the Weather Channel GOES-R/S Launch contract awarded to United Launch Services, LLC on April 5, 2012 Completed the joint NOAA/NASA Program Management Council (PMC) review for GOES-R Key Decision Point (KDP)-II/C Confirmation Review on May 16, 2012 – Formally approved the GOES-R Series Program to continue into critical design phase 5 Program Updates

6 GOES-R Re-Broadcast GRB downlink specifications to be released in August 2012 GRB next generation GVAR with greater bandwidth GRB Simulator in Development −Summer 2013 availability to address User Readiness −5 simulators to be made available to vendors and users for developing /upgrading/prototyping real- time satellite reception of GOES-R L1B radiances and products JCSDA Computing Infrastructure Enhancements —S4 supercomputer at UW-CIMSS —Jibb supercomputer at NASA GMAO —Governance and User accounts in place —NCEP Global Forecast system installed to advance R2O 6 Program Updates (Con’t) SPD Director Greg Mandt and Program Chief Scientist Steve Goodman tour the Super Computer for Satellite Simulation and Data Assimilation Studies (S4) at UW-CIMSS. The Joint Center in a big box (Jibb) supercomputer at NASA GMAO

7 WMO Joint Working Group on Nowcasting Research and Working Group on Mesoscale Weather Forecasting Research Workshop on the use of NWP for Nowcasting (Boulder, CO, October 24-26, 2011 NOAA WoF-High Impact Weather 2 nd Joint Workshop (Norman, OK, February 7-9, 2011) Fifth WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on NWP (Sedona, AZ, May 22-25, 2012) NOAA Satellite Science Week (Kansas City, MO, April 30- May 4, 2012) 3rd WMO/WWRP International Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 6-10, 2012) NOAA Satellite Conference (Miami, FL, April 8-12, 2013)- special session on NWP and Data Assimilation for TCs, hurricanes, and heavy precipitation 7 Workshop Participation and Support Insert graphic Simulated satellite image: 6.185-m, April 30, 2010

8 GOES-R Products Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Aerosol Detection (Including Smoke and Dust) Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Clear Sky Masks Cloud and Moisture Imagery Cloud Optical Depth Cloud Particle Size Distribution Cloud Top Height Cloud Top Phase Cloud Top Pressure Cloud Top Temperature Derived Motion Winds Derived Stability Indices Downward Shortwave Radiation: Surface Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Hurricane Intensity Estimation Land Surface Temperature (Skin) Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile Radiances Rainfall Rate/QPE Reflected Shortwave Radiation: TOA Sea Surface Temperature (Skin) Snow Cover Total Precipitable Water Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height 8 Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Lightning Detection: Events, Groups & Flashes Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS) Energetic Heavy Ions Magnetospheric Electrons & Protons: Low Energy Magnetospheric Electrons: Med & High Energy Magnetospheric Protons: Med & High Energy Solar and Galactic Protons Magnetometer (MAG) Geomagnetic Field Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Suite (EXIS) Solar Flux: EUV Solar Flux: X-ray Irradiance Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) Solar EUV Imagery Baseline Products Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Absorbed Shortwave Radiation: Surface Aerosol Particle Size Aircraft Icing Threat Cloud Ice Water Path Cloud Layers/Heights Cloud Liquid Water Cloud Type Convective Initiation Currents Currents: Offshore Downward Longwave Radiation: Surface Enhanced “V”/Overshooting Top Detection Flood/Standing Water Ice Cover Low Cloud and Fog Ozone Total Probability of Rainfall Rainfall Potential Sea and Lake Ice: Age Sea and Lake Ice: Concentration Sea and Lake Ice: Motion Snow Depth (Over Plains) SO 2 Detection Surface Albedo Surface Emissivity Tropopause Folding Turbulence Prediction Upward Longwave Radiation: Surface Upward Longwave Radiation: TOA Vegetation Fraction: Green Vegetation Index Visibility Future Capabilities

9 The GOES-R Proving Ground 9 SPC – Norman, OK

10 GOES-13 Winds Over Hurricane Irene Using GOES-R Clear-Sky Mask, Cloud and Derived Motion Winds (DMW) Algorithms Slide courtesy of J. Daniels, NOAA/NESDIS Significance: Early demonstration of GOES-R algorithms using current operational GOES imagers. Plans and work in place to replace existing operational GOES cloud and DMW algorithms with GOES-R algorithms. Sponsored by the GOES-R Program Office and OSD Routine (hourly) experimental production of winds derived from GOES-13 11.2um imagery has been established over the Continental United States (CONUS) within STAR’s collaborative computing environment Some modifications have been made to the GOES-R cloud and wind algorithm software to account for the current operational GOES imager instrument characteristics Winds derived from GOES-13’s visible, short-wave IR, and water vapor bands will be added to the automation scripts in the near future Derived winds will be validated against available reference/”ground truth” winds observations captured from other observing systems Derived winds are being archived locally for use in future retrospective data assimilation studies within the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)’s Rapid Refresh and Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) systems. Supports the WEATHER & WATERGoal Supports the WEATHER & WATER Goal High-Level 100-400 mbMid-Level 400-700 mbLow-Level >700 mb Cloud-drift winds derived from 15-minute GOES-13 imagery over Hurricane Irene at 1930 UTC on 26 August 2011 using the clear-sky mask, cloud, and derived motion wind algorithms developed for the future GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). 10

11 Influence of Assimilating High-resolution Satellite-Derived Winds on Mesoscale Analyses and Forecasts of Tropical Cyclones -- Example: Hurricane Ike (2008) -- P ≤ 350 hPa 350 800 hPa Intensity analysis Left: Assimilation of the rapid-scan winds into the mesoscale DART/WRF system produces superior analyses of Hurricane Ike’s intensity (OBS) over a Control (CTL) without the winds. Velden, CIMSS Above: As a proxy for GOES-R 5-minute imagery, GOES-East rapid-scan imagery (7-min) is used to derive winds. The coverage vs. normally-available winds is substantially increased over Hurricane Ike.

12 Assimilation of “satcast” convection initiation indicators into the RUC / RAP Improved storm growth with “natural” QC from assimilation of satcast CI data in RUC, coding of satcast assimilation in RAP / HRRR system ongoing With satcast Observed satellite 16z +1h GSD RUC forecasts 27 April 2012 16z No satcast 16z 17z # of satcast CI indicators Observed Radar 17z Courtesy of T. Smith and S. Weygandt, NOAA-ESRL/GSD 12

13 13 OBS-NSSL MOSAIC Precip CTRL Total lightning data used as a tool within NWP models to provide better initial conditions GLM Total lightning proxy data from the ENTLN were assimilated into the WRF-ARW model at cloud- resolving scales. Improved Initial Conditions will provide a better physical background at analysis time towards improving short term high impact weather forecasts (~3h). Lightning data can also used to limit the presence of spurious convection (and cold pools). Key in radar data sparse areas. To alleviate the need to use proxies for lightning in the model (e.g. lightning threats), full charging/discharge physics are currently being implemented into WRF-ARW within the NSSL 2- moment microphysics. LIGHT Courtesy of A. Fierro, CIMSS/NOAA

14 GOES-8 Wildfire ABBA fire product for the Pacific Northwest Date: August 17, 2001 Time: 2200 UTC NAAPS Model Aerosol Analysis for the continental U.S. Date: August 18, 2001 Time: 1200 UTC Aerosol Transport Model Assimilation of the Wildfire ABBA Fire Product Using the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System FIRES Smoke Courtesy of E. Prins, formerly of STAR 14

15 GOES-R Preparing for Operations Prepare for: – Transition to GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) that will replace GVAR and be tested during PLT – New Product Distribution and Access capabilities – Post Launch Test of the first in-orbit GOES-R Series Satellites and Ground Segment – Algorithm improvements and the addition of new data products 15

16 Thank you! Any ??? For more information visit GOESRsatellite 16

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