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Counting the Cost Character Transformation.

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2 Counting the Cost





7 Character Transformation


9 A Holistic Salvation


11 Spiritual Life - Willard That range of activities in which people cooperatively interact with God and with the spiritual order, which flows from and through God’s personality and action.

12 Spiritual Person - Willard One whose life is correctly integrated into and dominated by God’s Kingdom.

13 What spirituality is not A lifestyle

14 What spirituality is not A lifestyle A commitment

15 What spirituality is not A lifestyle A commitment A social or political stance

16 What spirituality is not A lifestyle A commitment A social or political stance An attempt to correct social and political injustice

17 Christian spirituality includes…



20 Elton Trueblood


22 Prayer  What is prayer?  An attempt to define (Calhoun) Relationship with God Attention to God Divine dialogue through intentional encounter with God

23 Prayer  Why should disciples pray? Prayer catapults disciples into the frontier of the spiritual life (Foster) To pray is to descend with the mind into the heart and there stand before the face of the Lord, ever-present, all seeing, within you (Nouwen) Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform his disciples (Foster)

24 Prayer  Something to be learned (Foster)  Prayer disciplines provide ways to enter into prayer (Calhoun) Breath – God becomes the “oxygen to the soul” Centering – the act of quieting the spirit Contemplative – the act of waiting with an awake heart Conversational – natural dialogue with God

25 Prayer  The practices of prayer Spiritual Practices (204-18) Spiritual Classics (31-2, 48ff)  Small Group Exercise – “Breath Prayer”

26 Prayer  Additional prayer disciplines Fixed-hour Inner Healing Intercessory Labyrinth Liturgical Prayer Partners Praying Scripture Prayer of Recollection Prayer Walking

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