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Transformational Learning Learning in Adulthood Spring, 2007.

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1 Transformational Learning Learning in Adulthood Spring, 2007

2 Jack Mezirow “More inclusive, discriminating, permeable, and integrative perspectives are superior perspectives that adults choose if they can because they are motivated to better understand the meaning of their experience”

3 Paulo Freire “Liberation is a praxis: the action and reflection of men and women upon their world in order to transform it.”

4 Key Concepts Experience Critical Reflection Development

5 Issues in T L

6 Context Mezirow’s theory: acontextual (only studied women returning to school) Individual biographies and contexts give richer descriptions of transformational learning

7 Rationality Dependence on rationality Western:: Separates from experience Gender specific (men, upper-class, white) Bot always beneficial (depression) Intuition ignored

8 Social Action Controversial Mezirow criticized for too much individual focus of transformation at the expense of social change Romanticizing the change (oppressed to transformed learner)

9 Educator’s Role Place of social action in transformational learning Support personal and social transformation How to facilitate learning? critical questioning role play -> simulations journal writing life histories

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