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Input & Output Machines

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1 Input & Output Machines

2 x 7 Minds on: 9 3 5 20 Input Output 63 9 20 140 140 35 21 63 3 21 5 35
This input/output machine multiples each input number by 7. Output numbers are multiples of 7. Suppose you input 9, 20, 3, 5. What will the output be? Input Output 9 63 9 20 x 7 20 140 140 35 21 3 63 3 21 5 5 35

3 Explore Choose a number and an operation to go in the first part of the machine. Choose a different number and a different operation to go in the second part of the machine. Use the numbers 1 to 5 as input. Find the output for each input number. Record the input and output in a table. Write the pattern rule for the output numbers. Describe how each output number is related to its input number. Share your work with another classmate. Find the next 3 output numbers for your classmates' Input/Output machine.

4 Example Input Output 1 2 3 4 5 x 2 + 6 Output 8 Input 10 12 14 16 This Input/Output machine doubles each input, then adds 6. When the input is 1, the output is 8. When the input is 5, the output is 16.

5 This time rewind…. Input Output 1 2 4 3 7 10 5 13 ? ? Input Output This table shows the input and output for this machine. Identify the numbers and operations in the machine.

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