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The trait of a child that allows them to withstand difficult conditions without developing negative traits. A)resilience B)Cohort effect C)Competence D)History-graded.

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Presentation on theme: "The trait of a child that allows them to withstand difficult conditions without developing negative traits. A)resilience B)Cohort effect C)Competence D)History-graded."— Presentation transcript:

1 The trait of a child that allows them to withstand difficult conditions without developing negative traits. A)resilience B)Cohort effect C)Competence D)History-graded influence

2 Nina just turned 21 and is now able to buy an alcoholic beverage. This is an example of ____________. A) history-graded influence B)age-graded influence C)Cohort effect D)A bad idea since it’s the night before the exam!

3 Piaget viewed children as ____________ and Vygotsky viewed children as ___________. A)scientists; apprentices B)apprentices; scientists C)nuisances; edible D)Being developmentally driven by genetics (nature); being developmentally driven by experience (nurture)

4 Children who are exposed to the same environmental conditions may respond to them differently because of their genes. This is called ______________. A)Canalization B)Plasticity C)Range of Reaction D)Ontogeny from nature

5 Canalization refers to _______________. A)The tendency for development to occur in stages. B)The tendency for development to occur continuously. C)A trait that is easily influenced by the environment. D)A trait that is resistent to change by environmental factors.

6 The concept of genetic-environmental correlation explains how our genes influence the environments to which we are exposed. A) True B) False

7 What is synaptic pruning? A) when neurons that are overly stimulated lose their synapses B) when neurons that are seldom stimulated lose their synapses C) the tendency for adults to lose neuronal connections with age D) none of the above

8 What is the zone of proximal development? A)Vygotsky’s term to describe tasks that children can perform and not those that they can not B)Vygotsky’s term to describe periods of development in which a skill is best able to be learned C)Vygotsky’s term to describe tasks that a child cannot do alone but are capable when helped by more skilled partners

9 Based on Erikson’s ideas, which is these is the best way to promote autonomy in a toddler? A)A mother forcing her child to eat his vegetables. B)A father who criticizes his daughter when she inappropriately uses a fork. C)A mother who puts the toys away and makes the bed daily for her son. D)A father who gives his son an extra five minutes to play before leaving the school.

10 What are these called—shame, guilt, embarrassment? A)Basic emotions B)Secondary emotions C)Regulatory emotions D)Self-conscious emotions

11 What are these called—happy, sad, mad? A)Basic emotions B)Secondary emotions C)Bipolar disorder These are called this because they are universal across all cultures, differing only in how they may be expressed.

12 Cassie became extremely upset after a classmate took her toy away. How can Cassie’s teacher help her to regulate her emotion? A)Put the classmate who stole her toy in timeout. B)Help Cassie label her feelings, encouraging Cassie to describe her internal state, while offering a hug C)Tell Cassie she needs to stick up for herself. D)Ignore the display of such negative emotions.

13 Healthy development occurs when parents are able to work with a child's temperament and influence their child's reactions to the world. This is _______________. A)Emotional self-regulation B)Goodness of fit C)Theory of attachment


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