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Health Information Management Association Australia Peter Fleming, Chief Executive NEHTA.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Information Management Association Australia Peter Fleming, Chief Executive NEHTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Information Management Association Australia Peter Fleming, Chief Executive NEHTA

2 2 Healthcare is a major part of the Economy $94 Billion spent on healthcare in 06/07 1314 public and private hospitals 753,800 people working in healthcare 4.7 million hospital admissions 7.1 million visits to ED 163 Million Prescriptions Per Year

3 Australia has a world class health system But, as Australians get older this system will struggle to keep up 24% 13%

4 If we know this is a problem, then why do we continue to run a system using so much paper? The average clinician spends 25% of their time trying to find or collect information The reliance on incomplete paper records results in unnecessary waste and risk: 18% of medical errors are due to the inadequate availability of patient information 14% of pathology tests are repeated unnecessarily 35% of referrals are unnecessary These resources would be far better spent on preventative care

5 Meanwhile everyone else is benefiting everyday from getting connected

6 How do we get the health sector to the same point? National E-Health Infrastructure Standards to support connectivity Smart policy making to drive the health sector past the tipping point Coordinated implementation by the States and Territories Innovative Private Sector Solution which leverage the foundations

7 NEHTA’s Vision To enhance healthcare by enabling access to the right information, for the right person, at the right time and place.

8 Strategic overview Four strategic priorities: Urgently develop the essential foundations required to enable e-health. Coordinate the progression of the priority e-health solutions and processes. Accelerate the adoption of e-health. Lead the progression of e-health in Australia.

9 Our work program to date ePathology eDischarge eReferral eMedications Terminology Secure Messaging Identifiers Authentication Shared Health Profile Event Summaries Self Managed Care Complex Care Management Clinician Information Individual Information Shared Information (Others) Individual Electronic Health Record E-Health Services E-Health Solutions National Infrastructure Components

10 What will this enable? Opportunity for connecting in healthcare Replace existing paper transactions with electronic ones

11 Sector innovation Emerging technology and broadband changes the way we think about healthcare.

12 Sector innovation (cont) CSIRO also at the forefront

13 New Identifiers for Individuals, Providers and Organizations Ensures that the right information is associated with the right person Operational July 2010 Leverages Medicare New Identifiers

14 Getting the Sector Connected Over the next 2 years the sector will be supported in taking up a common approach to secure online connectivity Based on internet standards and smart cards Vendors can be certified, so providers can buy software with confidence Incentives are provided to help GPs with the burden of upgrading NEHTA will have connectivity projects with every State and Territory

15 Get key clinical transactions online NEHTA will work to drive the uptake the uptake of: Electronic Scripts Electronic Discharge Summaries Electronic Referrals Electronic Pathology Requests and Results

16 The ability for the consumer to choose how and where their health records can be accessed IEHR Business Case with COAG What next?

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