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George Herbert Walker Bush 41 st U.S. President Austin Adams.

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1 George Herbert Walker Bush 41 st U.S. President Austin Adams

2 Early Political Years In the 1960’s Bush won two contests for a Texas Republican seat in the House of Representatives, but lost two bids for a Senate seat. After Bush's second race for the Senate, President Richard Nixon appointed him U.S. delegate to the United Nations and he later became a Republican National Committee chairman. Bush headed the U.S. liaison office in Beijing before becoming Director of the CIA. In 1980 Bush became Reagan’s running mate.

3 Running for President Bush,as Vice President entered the 1988 presidential campaign and easily defeated Democrat Michael Dukakis. George H. W. Bush became president on Jan. 20, 1989 Bush's choice of Sen. was Dan Quayle of Indiana as a running mate. This provoked criticism and ridicule that continued even after the administration was in office.

4 Issues Bush encountered three major crises in his first year in office. These included the Lebanese hostage crisis, the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, and the war against drug trafficking. Bush’s public approval soared throughout America following the invasion of Panama in late 1989. But a staggering budget spending and the savings and loan crisis caused the president's popularity to take a dive in his second year on office as president.

5 Bush 41 and Bush 42

6 Cartoon

7 Accomplishments A major Bush accomplishment in 1991 was the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). It was signed in July with Soviet president Mikhail S. Gorbachev at their fourth summit conference, marking the end of the long weapons buildup.

8 Election of 1992 In the 1992 election George H. Walker Bush was defeated by Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas. Before that on Feb. 1 Bush proclaimed a formal ending to the Cold War

9 Congress Control With the election of Democrat Bill Clinton as President the Democrats had now complete control of congress Clinton’s elected Vice President was Al Gore.

10 Political Cartoon

11 Now Obama is giving Bush the Presidential Medal of Honor

12 Success Bush proclaimed, “no new taxes” pledge as he sat down with congressional leaders to tame the budget deficit and deal with a faltering economy. This brought his positive popularity up substantially.

13 Foreign Affair In 1991, the president became the leader of an international group of Western democracies, Japan, and even some Arab states that came together to free Kuwait from an invasion of the country by Iraq in Aug. 1990. This made Iraq hate the United States and later refer to us as “The evil Satan”.

14 Bush 41 and Bush 43

15 Political Campaign Button

16 Citation Bush Button. N.d. Presidential Buttons. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.. Cartoon of Bush and Clinton. N.d. Alex Constantine. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.. "George Herbert Walker Bush." Editorial. Info Please. 2007 Pearson Education, 2007. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.. Obama giving Bush a Medal. N.d. Anderson Cooper. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.. Picture of Bush 41 and Bush 43. N.d. Wall Street's Plot to Seize the White House. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.. Picture of Clinton and Gore. N.d. Duke. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.. Political Cartoon of Bush 41. N.d. Jeff MacNelly. Web. 22 Mar. 2011..

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