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1. This vocabulary word means voting rights. A) emigrant B) abolition C) suffrage D) transcendentalism.

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Presentation on theme: "1. This vocabulary word means voting rights. A) emigrant B) abolition C) suffrage D) transcendentalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. This vocabulary word means voting rights. A) emigrant B) abolition C) suffrage D) transcendentalism

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3 2. The movement to end slavery was called __________. A) suffrage B) popular sovereignty C) transcendentalism D) abolition

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5 3. What person escaped from slavery, became a well- respected speaker, traveled overseas, and published an antislavery newspaper? A) Lloyd Garrison B) Frederick Douglass C) John Brown D) Harriet Tubman

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7 4. Why did white Southerners NOT want slaves to learn to read? A) No colleges accepted African Americans. B) They feared that educated slaves would rebel. C) Reading was not a skill slaves would use. D) There was a shortage of available books.

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9 5. For what reason is Harriet Tubman famous? A) She gave a speech at Seneca Falls. B) She helped people with mental illness. C) She was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. D) She wrote abolitionist poetry.

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11 6. This is associated with expanded rights for women including the right to vote. A) Sack of Lawrence B) Kansas-Nebraska Act C) Dred Scott case D) Seneca Falls Convention

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13 7. She was an antislavery reformer who also worked for women’s rights. A) Sojourner Truth B) Mrs. Frederick Douglass C) Elizabeth Cady Stanton D) Harriet Tubman

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15 8. Why did Stanton and Mott organize the Seneca Falls Convention? A) because male abolitionists were slow to organize a movement B) to win for women the same rights as men C) to form an all-female antislavery organization D) to win women’s support for more public schools

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17 9. What did the women’s rights movement and the abolitionist movement have in common? A) both began in Seneca Falls B) women made up the largest number of supporters C) temperance workers supported both movements D) both tried to help a group that had been denied their rights by law

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19 10. The Kansas-Nebraska Act called for _____. A) the residents of Kansas & Nebraska vote to decide the issue of slavery B) the punishment of slaveholders in Kansas for attacks on antislavery settlers C) a ban on slavery in Kansas and Nebraska D) land in Kansas and Nebraska to be given to escaped slaves

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21 11. What was the impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin? A) It caused the proslavery settlers to attack antislavery settlers in Kansas. B) It convinced Northerners to support the Fugitive Slave Act. C) White Southerners charged that the book did not portray slavery accurately. D) It angered Northerners because it described slavery as a positive experience.

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23 12. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? A) William Lloyd Garrison B) Harriet Beecher Stowe C) Sojourner Truth D) Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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25 13. Stephen A. Douglas tried to win Southern support for the Kansas-Nebraska Act by allowing the issue of slavery in these territories to be settled by ______. A) the establishment of the Free Soil Party B) representative government C) popular sovereignty D) primary elections

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27 14. How were educational opportunities limited for African Americans in the 1800’s? A) Horace Mann set up schools for them because he believed in the power of education. B) They had to go to special schools also attended by women. C) African Americans had to secretly set up their own schools. D) It was illegal in the South to teach an enslaved person to read.

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29 15. What role did John Brown play in the slavery controversy? A) He attacked an antislavery senator in the Senate. B) He murdered several proslavery settlers in Kansas. C) He fought for the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act. D) He introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in Congress.

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31 16. What bill unsuccessfully attempted to ban slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico? A) Missouri Compromise B) Wilmot Proviso C) Compromise of 1850 D) Dred Scott Decision

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33 17. What bill settled the controversy over slavery in California and the rest of the Mexican Cession? A) Missouri Compromise B) Dred Scott Decision C) Compromise of 1850 D) Wilmot Proviso

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35 18. Which political party was dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery? A) Federalists B) Whigs C) Democratic D) Free-Soil Party

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37 19. Which law aroused great opposition and widespread disobedience in the North? A) the Emancipation Proclamation B) the Missouri Compromise C) the Fugitive Slave Act D) the Wilmot Proviso

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39 20. Whose lawsuit to gain freedom was denied in a landmark Supreme Court decision? A) Harriet Beecher Stow B) Dred Scott C) Charles Sumner D) Stephen A. Douglas

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41 21. How did the outbreak of the War with Mexico revive disagreements over slavery? A) The South sent slaves to fight in the War with Mexico. B) Northerners tried to block the admission of California as a slave state. C) Some congressmen wanted to force Mexico to abolish slavery. D) Northerners believed Southerners wanted to expand slavery into new lands.

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43 22. Northerners were unhappy about the fate of which two people? A) Dred Scott and John Brown B) Abraham Lincoln and Charles Sumner C) Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln D) John Brown and Preston Brooks

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45 23. Which of the following was favored by white Southerners but opposed by Northerners? A) the Compromise of 1850 B) the Wilmot Proviso C) the Fugitive Slave Act D) the Crittenden Plan

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47 24. Why did John Brown lead an attack on Harpers Ferry? A) to get revenge for his brother’s death B) to gain weapons to fight the Civil War C) to inspire slaves to fight for freedom D) to punish those who enforced the Fugitive Slave Act

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49 25. Which of the following made white Southerners fear that the North would abolish slavery? A) Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book won the Nobel Peace Prize. B) The President ordered the army to free Mexican slaves. C) Northern abolitionists helped slaves in Mexico to escape. D) Northerners in Congress tried to pass the Wilmot Proviso.

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51 26. What impact did Uncle Tom’s Cabin have on the slavery controversy? A) It gave a true account of slavery. B) White Southerners viewed it as an unfair attack on their lifestyle. C) It led to the Fugitive Slave Act being repealed. D) The profits from the sale of the books supported runaways.

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53 27. This political party was dedicated to stopping the spreading of slavery. A) Whigs B) Free-Soil Party C) Libertarian D) Jacksonian Democracy

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55 28. This man was responsible for getting Congress to accept the Compromise of 1850. A) David Wilmot B) Dred Scott C) Stephen A. Douglas D) Frederick Douglass

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57 29. What effect did the Compromise of 1850 have on slavery? A) Congress admitted California as a free state. B) Congress passed a stronger law to recapture fugitive slaves. C) Congress banned the slave trade in Washington, D.C. D) All are true.

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59 30. This settled the controversy over statehood for California and the issue of slavery in territories gotten from Mexico. A) Emancipation Proclamation B) Wilmot Proviso C) Compromise of 1850 D) Missouri Compromise

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61 31. This Northerner supported the Compromise of 1850 in order to keep the nation from breaking apart. A) Henry David Thoreau B) Daniel Webster C) Edgar Allan Poe D) Harry Beecher Stowe

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63 32. This man created a plan to settle the issue of statehood for California that satisfied both Northerners and Southerners. A) James Fenimore Cooper B) Dred Scott C) William Lloyd Garrison D) Henry Clay

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65 33. What could happen to Northerners who refused to obey the Fugitive Slave Act? A) receive a fine and possibly a jail sentence B) their property could be seized C) they got several warnings before a punishment was given D) breaking this law was punishable by death

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67 34. What was a common symbol used by slaves to guide them to the North? A) the planet Venus B) a full moon C) the North Star D) a setting sun

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69 35. These were used to signal and direct slaves to escape routes. A) fires B) quilts C) maps with detailed written directions D) bread crumbs

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71 36. Henry Brown shipped himself in a ________. A) reinforced sack B) mailing pouch C) box D) barrel

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