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Child Outcome Data Quality How to check on the quality of your child outcome data.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Outcome Data Quality How to check on the quality of your child outcome data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Outcome Data Quality How to check on the quality of your child outcome data.

2 Training Objectives 1.Understand how to check data quality for ecEval data 2.Analyze your information to improve local child outcome data

3 Oregon’s Child Outcome Data Quality Plan: 1.ecEval Guidelines document 2.Training and Technical Assistance 3.ecEval Data Quality program

4 How Does the ecEval Program Help with Data Quality? Cleans up individual records Identifies individual staff training needs Identifies systemic training needs Increases the quality of program child outcome data

5 Getting Started 1.Get a username and password for the ecEval website. Contact Dan Smellow at EC Data: 541-346- 0819 or Set up username and password for yourself and designated staff There are different levels of access depending on staff roles

6 Accessing the Website 2. Open the ecEval website:

7 ecEval Opening Web Page

8 Enter your Username and Password, then choose “Login”

9 3. Child List page will appear, showing the children entered into the ecEval database.

10 4. Choose the “Reports” button and the “Reports” page will appear.

11 The Reports Page

12 5. In the Cross-checks section, choose the program you want to check.

13 6. Choose “Child records with problems”.

14 7. The “Child records with cross check” page will appear. A list of 14 different kinds of record errors will appear at the top of the page. Records are listed by SSID and sorted by problem category.


16 Sorting by Errors

17 8. Sorting records by SSID, Evaluator, or Problem

18 9. To check a child’s record, choose the SSID and the Child Profile will appear.

19 Correcting Data The previous slide is missing the EI eligibility date. To correct it, fill in eligibility date. This record is resolved and is no longer a problem.

20 10. What if the problem can’t be resolved with a simple data correction? Parents halt evaluation Family moves away Parents refuse or revoke services

21 Write the Reason in the Resolution Field

22 To Eliminate the Resolved Record from View on the Reports Page…

23 Return to the Reports Page, check “Omit Problems” and choose “Child Records with Problems”

24 Resolved Child Records with Problem List

25 Other Data Quality Features:

26 To Create a List of Children Who Need an Exit Assessment Because They Are Transitioning to Kindergarten…

27 On the Reports page choose “Transition to kindergarten”

28 Transition to Kindergarten List

29 To Correct Records That Are Missing Data in the “County” Field…

30 Choose “Assessments without counties”

31 Records with missing “county” fields are sorted by the county of the data entry person (“created by”)

32 A New Feature in the Child Profile

33 Entry and exit assessment designations have been created (annual and interim assessments will appear normally)

34 QUESTIONS Bruce Sheppard – 503-947-5612, Rita Snyder – 541-957-4838, Dan Smellow – 541-346-0819,

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