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Data Services FY14-FY18 Budget. DS 5 year budget constraints  FY13 budget  $3.96 million from core  $1.63 from USArray  Total $5.59 million  FY 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Services FY14-FY18 Budget. DS 5 year budget constraints  FY13 budget  $3.96 million from core  $1.63 from USArray  Total $5.59 million  FY 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Services FY14-FY18 Budget

2 DS 5 year budget constraints  FY13 budget  $3.96 million from core  $1.63 from USArray  Total $5.59 million  FY 14 budget base set to $ 5.2 million  Reduction of 7.5%

3 Items Cut from FY14-18 Budget  Reduction of 3 FTE at IRIS DMC  1 from Information Technology  DHI, external applications, internal applications  1 from Quality Assurance  Still at a level to insure high quality  Leverage improvements in MUSTANG to improve efficiency  1 FTE Reduction in Product efforts but still at a strong level  < 10% reduction at IDA DCC to $653K  Elimination of ½ FTE in QA position  KZNET reduced to BB elements only  Reduction (but not elimination) in DS international programs

4 DS Budget by WBS Element

5 DS FY 14-18 Budget Proposal

6 DS Innovation Projects FY 14FY 15FY 16FY 17FY 18 Research Ready Data & Quality Assessment 80,688186,087 211,932217,230222,261 Cycles Close to Data175,179229,970347,186358,085266,592 and/or DMC mini- Cluster 180,000103,000106,090109,272112,550 Data Integration - Ver 200,458204,997200,194204,962201,790 Data Integration - Hor 373,636379,613388,918398,455408,230 Picking Services 161,376165,410381,478391,015400,790 Total Innovation Fund 516,555498,380834,754858,372779,932 Total all sources ( $M) Innovation Fund Other Sources Retasking PI PI = Pan IRIS

7 Clarifications

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