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Vegetables Creative Foods Created by: Miss Young.

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Presentation on theme: "Vegetables Creative Foods Created by: Miss Young."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetables Creative Foods Created by: Miss Young

2 Vegetable Classifications  Bulbs  Flowers  Fruits  Stems  Leaves  Seeds  Tubers  Roots

3 Bulbs  Bulbs: vegetables which bulb flesh is edible.  Bulbs are often used for seasoning and flavoring.  Most of these vegetables have a strong taste and odor.  Garlic: strong-smelling multi-cloved bulb.  Onion: strong tasting vegetable, a variety of garlic.  Leek: plant with a small edible bulb.  Quality bulbs are firm, fresh-looking, and have a good color.

4 Bulbs  Garlic  Onion  Leek

5 Flowers  These vegetables grow quickly in cool weather.  They are served raw as well as cooked.  Quality cauliflower and broccoli are firm, heavy for their size, and have a good color.

6 Flowers  Artichokes  Broccoli  Cauliflower

7 Fruit - Vegetables  Vegetables that are often called fruit-vegetables come from flowering plants and contain at least one seed.  Therefore, they are technically the fruit of the plant.  For the purpose of commercial kitchens, however, they are categorized as vegetables since they are savory rather than sweet.  Quality fruit-vegetables have smooth, unblemished skin.

8 Fruit - Vegetables  Tomatoes  Cucumbers  Eggplant  Okra  Peppers  Pumpkins  Squash

9 Stems  Vegetables in this category produce edible stems, stalks, and shoots.  They are picked when young and tender.  Quality stems, stalks, and shoots are firm, unblemished, and have no browning. Vegetables - stalk: vegetable with an edible stem. Celery: vegetable with edible petioles. Asparagus: vegetable with edible shoots. Swiss chard: white beet. Rhubarb: stem-vegetable with edible petioles.

10 Stems  Asparagus  Celery

11 Leaves  Vegetables in this category can be served raw or cooked.  They shrink when cooked because of their high water content.  Flavors of leafy greens range from mild to spicy.  Quality greens have crisp, bright leaves without and brown spots.

12 Leaves  Brussels sprouts  Cabbage  Lettuce  Spinach

13 Seeds  This category consists of vegetables with edible seeds.  Some of the pods are also edible, but the seeds are more nutritious.  Quality seeds and pods are firm, well-shaped, and without blemishes.

14 Seeds  Peas  Corn  Beans

15 Tubers  Tubers are large, round, underground stems that grow just below the surface of the soil.  They store and provide food to their plants, making them rich in nutrients.  Quality tubers are firm, unwrinkled, unblemished, and have good color.

16 Tubers  Potatoes  Jerusalem artichokes

17 Roots  Roots grow deep into the soil.  Roots store and provide food to their plants, making them rich in nutrients.  Quality roots are firm, unwrinkled, unblemished, and have good color.

18 Roots  Beets  Carrots  Parsnips  Radishes  Rutabagas  Sweet potatoes  Turnips

19 Resources  nions.jpg&imgrefurl= 005.htm&h=227&w=280&sz=14&tbnid=rpDqBml9zsDgKM:&tbnh=88&tbnw =109&hl=en&start=169&prev=/images%3Fq%3Donions%26start%3D160% 26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN  yellow_small.jpg&imgrefurl= vegetables.html&h=206&w=200&sz=5&tbnid=Fuz_wgwfL4zJvM:&tbnh=100 &tbnw=97&hl=en&start=10&prev=/images%3Fq%3Donions%26svnum%3D 10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG

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