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Lecture 10 Types of lineage mutants Lateral inhibition in C. elegans Induction in C. elegans.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 10 Types of lineage mutants Lateral inhibition in C. elegans Induction in C. elegans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 10 Types of lineage mutants Lateral inhibition in C. elegans Induction in C. elegans

2 Mutant names and origins Most isolated in general mutant screens unc Uncoordinated dpy Dumpy short and fat lin lineage abnormal egl egg laying let lethal

3 Mutant names and origins Phenotypic class ie screen isolated in Complementation group unc-93 (e1400) allele lin-22(n372)

4 Cell lineage mutants Canonical cell lineage Stem cell like mutant lineages Homeotic mutant lineages Heterochronic mutant lineages

5 Canonical cell lineage Horvitz The Nematode C. elegans 1988

6 Canonical cell lineage A BC Horvitz The Nematode C. elegans 1988

7 Canonical cell mutant lineages A BC A BA A BB wild-type

8 Canonical cell mutant lineages A BC A BA A BB wild-type Regeneration of the mother cell fate: stem cell like

9 Stem cell like mutant lineages Horvitz The Nematode C. elegans 1988

10 Canonical cell mutant lineages A BC A BA A BB wild-type Sisters have the same fate: homeotic

11 Homeotic transformation The transformation of one body part into the likeness of another

12 Antennapedia can be misexpressed either by spontaneous mutation or by genetic engineering. Antenna to second leg transformation hsp Antpry +


14 Canonical cell mutant lineages A BC A BA A BB wild-type Sisters have the same fate: homeotic

15 Cell lineage homeotic transformation Horvitz The Nematode C. elegans 1988

16 Homeotic transformation of several lineages Horvitz The Nematode C. elegans 1988

17 Heterochronic genes Slack and Ruvkun Annu. Rev. Genet. 31, 611

18 Heterochronic genes Slack and Ruvkun Annu. Rev. Genet. 31, 611

19 Heterochronic genes Precious development of L2 lineage Slack and Ruvkun Annu. Rev. Genet. 31, 611

20 Heterochronic genes Suppression of L2 lineage and replacement with L1 lineage. Slack and Ruvkun Annu. Rev. Genet. 31, 611

21 Heterochronic genes lin-14 activity L1 L2 wtlin14 l f lin14 gf ON OFF

22 Heterochronic genes Slack and Ruvkun Annu. Rev. Genet. 31, 611

23 Heterochronic genes Slack and Ruvkun Annu. Rev. Genet. 31, 611

24 Heterochronic genes lin-4 lin-14

25 Heterochronic genes lin-14 encodes a nuclear protein lin-4 encodes a non-coding RNA a micro-RNA-the first found

26 Heterochronic genes lin-4 RNA base pairs with the lin-14 3’ UTR In lin-14 gf mutants the lin-4 binding sites are deleted. Slack and Ruvkun Annu. Rev. Genet. 31, 611

27 Heterochronic genes Levels L1L2L3L4 lin-14 mRNA

28 Heterochronic genes Levels L1L2L3L4 lin-14 protein

29 Heterochronic genes Levels L1L2L3L4 lin-14 protein lin-4 micRNA

30 Temporal Morphogen hypothesis Kalthoff Analysis of Biological development 2nd ed

31 Lateral inhibition Order arising from nothing: an emergent property Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

32 Lateral inhibition Order arising from nothing: an emergent property Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

33 Z1.ppp Individual AIndividual B Anchor cell/ Ventral uterine cell equivalence group AC VU

34 Model for AC/VU decision Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

35 Model for AC/VU decision Equivalent signaling Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

36 Model for AC/VU decision Stochastic difference in signaling Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

37 Model for AC/VU decision Differential expression of receptor and ligand Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

38 Model for AC/VU decision Determined cell fates Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

39 Genetic analysis of lateral inhibition lin-12 gf lin-12 +(wt) lin-12 lf VU AC/VU AC

40 Mosaic analysis in C. elegans ncl-1 lin-12 ncl-1 + lin-12 + qDp3 qDp3 is a free duplication that is mitotically unstable and is lost forming clones of ncl-1 lin-12 cells

41 Mosaic analysis in C. elegans ncl-1 + ncl-1 In ncl-1 cells, the nucleolus is large.

42 Mosaic analysis in C. elegans ncl-1 lin-12 cell Seydoux and Greenwald Cell 57, 1237

43 Z1.ppp Individual AIndividual B AC VU lin-12 + lin-12 Mosaic analysis in C. elegans

44 Z1.ppp Individual AIndividual B AC VU lin-12 + lin-12 Mosaic analysis in C. elegans Lin-12 activity is required in the VU cell

45 Model for AC/VU decision Gilbert Developmental Biology 5th ed

46 Precommitment Committed Expression of Lin-12 protein Levitan and Greenwald Development 125, 3101

47 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans

48 Vulva equivalence group Wormbase

49 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Horvitz and Sternberg Nature 351, 535

50 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Horvitz and Sternberg Nature 351, 535

51 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Horvitz and Sternberg Nature 351, 535

52 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Horvitz and Sternberg Nature 351, 535

53 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Horvitz and Sternberg Nature 351, 535

54 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Horvitz and Sternberg Nature 351, 535

55 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans wild-type Vulvaless Vul Multivulva Muv Ferguson and Horvitz Genetics 110, 17

56 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Ferguson et al. Nature 326, 259

57 Induction of the vulva in C. elegans Wormbase

58 At high concentration of Lin-3: 1° fate At medium concentration of Lin-3: 2° fate At low concentration of Lin-3: 3° fate Lin-3 a morphogen?

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