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What is it? Definition  Economic and social system characterized by free markets, private property, and individualism.

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2 What is it?

3 Definition  Economic and social system characterized by free markets, private property, and individualism

4 Who cares?  Good Civics- our system  Interrelated to numerous debate topics- they economy, social issues, international relations 

5 Types  Types- state based (mixed, and crony), laissez faire 

6 People  Thinkers-  Adam Smith  The Austrian School of Economics  Ayn Rand  Think tanks- Cato, Ludwig Von Mises Institute, Mercatus Institute, Independent Institute, Future of freedom foundation etc.  What do Political Parties have to say?

7 The Role of the Economist  Normative vs. descriptive  Large debate in the literature  Determines nature of interventions

8 Good  Peter C

9 Bad

10 Nature of the Argument  Maybe not overall problematic- but mixed economy necessary   Distinct from central planning as the norm  Different ways to suggest the unfettered system is flawed

11 Central Planning  We have individuals like this….. 

12 Ethics  Patriarchy- who are the bread winners?  Racism- socio-economic divide  Calculation- nature of individual views and means to and end of production  Social Services- Welfare  Xenophobia- scapegoating immigrations  Worker exploitation- sweat shops  Individualism means classes and social groups don’t have rights 

13 Poverty  Rich and poor cap- strive for greatness- developing countries exposed to globalization  Good for who- the corporation or the individual?  Socio economic conditions can be precursor to terrorism- reaction to asymmetric nature of hegemonic capitalism  Distribution of wealth- The rich must live more simply so that the poor may simply live.  Corporations create shanty towns- displace local populations, overcrowd labor markets, low wages

14 War  International imperialism in the name of liberalism and for resources such as oil  Military industrial complex- war is a racket  System demand global security apparatus  Global rise of the rest- hegemonic conflict

15 Health Care   Obama Care attempts to address market failures- pre- exiting conditions, insurance, limited youth involvement  Globalization- disease spread- bi pharma limits access to poor countries  Think of incentive of hospitals- preforms many surgery's, use and buy expensive machines, decisions are not always medical

16 Growth   Infinite?  08 recession- lack of regulation  Boom and Bust cycles- creative destruction

17 Environment  No regulation for biz practices- having the only goal of productivity  Industrial Agriculture

18 Alternatives  Dedev  More regulated society  Socialism  New system?  System Sustainability

19 Thinkers  Mixed Economy- Keynes, Paul Krugman  Marxism- Karl Marx

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