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Pertemuan 7 Matakuliah: J0124/Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Tahun: 2007/2008 MODUL 7 Human Resource Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Pertemuan 7 Matakuliah: J0124/Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Tahun: 2007/2008 MODUL 7 Human Resource Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pertemuan 7 Matakuliah: J0124/Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Tahun: 2007/2008 MODUL 7 Human Resource Planning

2 Bina Nusantara MODUL 7 Human Resource Planning Matakuliah: J0124/Human Resource Management Tahun: 2007 Versi: Revisi

3 Bina Nusantara Learning Outcomes After studying this chapter, the students should be able to :  Define & outline the HRP process  Identify factors to be considered in forecasting the supply & demand for HR in orgz.  Identify several ways to manage a surplus of HR  Identify what HRIS is & its useful for HRP

4 Bina Nusantara Outline HR Planning * HRP responsibilities * Small business & HRP * HRP process Scanning the external environment Internal assessment of orgz. workforce Forecasting HR supply & demand Managing HR surplus or shortage HRIS

5 Bina Nusantara Human Resource Planning Definition In most orgz., top HR executives & specialists have most responsibilities for HRP Planning is still important for small orgz., but there are difficulties of family matters & succession

6 Bina Nusantara HRP Process Orgz. objectives & strategies forecasting HR strategies & plans Scan external env Analyze internal inventory of HR capabilities Orgz. need for people Survey of people available

7 Bina Nusantara Scanning the external environment ಎ Scanning government influence ಎ Economic condition ಎ Geographic & competitive concerns ಎ Worforce composition

8 Bina Nusantara Internal assessment of the orgz. workforce Auditing jobs & skills  it provides a basis for forecasting what jobs will need to be done in the future Organizational capabilities inventory  it’s used to describe a profile of current organizational workforce in total  it will reveal current strengths & deficiencies

9 Bina Nusantara Forecasting HR supply & demand Forecasting methods Forecasting periods Forecasting the demand of HR Forecasting supply of HR  external supply  internal supply

10 Bina Nusantara Managing HR surplus or shortage Workforce realignment Downsizing approaches Outplacement services

11 Bina Nusantara HRIS Purposes of an HRIS Related to administrative & operational efficiency 2 nd purpose is more strategic & related to HRP Uses of an HRIS

12 Bina Nusantara Closing  HRP is tied to the broader process of strategic planning  The HR unit has major responsibilities in HRP  In developing HRP, we need to scan external environment & assess internal strengths and weaknesses

13 Bina Nusantara  Management of HR surpluses may require downsizing  HRIS is an integrated system designed to improve the efficiency

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