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The Sixth and Seventh Commandments Lesson 13. The Sixth Commandment Love for God’s Gift of Marriage and Family.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sixth and Seventh Commandments Lesson 13. The Sixth Commandment Love for God’s Gift of Marriage and Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sixth and Seventh Commandments Lesson 13

2 The Sixth Commandment Love for God’s Gift of Marriage and Family

3 What God Wants Us To Know 1.God made both man and woman; sex is His good gift to be used as God desires. 2.Marriage is established by God, is good, and is to be used as He desires and defines (Man and Woman for Life).

4 A Christian Will NOT want to 1.Commit sinful sexual acts and be immoral. 1.Adultery – sexual relations with someone besides one’s spouse. 2.Fornication – sexual relations between unmarried persons. 3.Homosexuality – sexual relations with one of the same gender.

5 A Christian Will NOT want to 2.Speak improperly of sex and marriage (dirty jokes, unclean talk, etc.) 3.Even think improper thoughts.

6 A Christian WILL want to 1.Think, speak, and act the way God desires concerning sex and marriage. 2.Have no sexual relations before marriage. 3.Seek to marry a fellow believer in Jesus. 4.Be faithful in the marriage until death. 5.Glorify God in the care of one’s body.

7 The Seventh Commandment Love for the use of God’s Gift of Possessions.

8 What God Wants Us To Know 1.God owns all money and possessions and distributes them to us and to others. 2.We are to remember that we are stewards (caretakers, managers) of the possessions that God has given us.

9 A Christian Will NOT Want to 1.Take what is not his (robbery, theft). 2.Get things dishonestly (fraud, cheating, certain gambling).

10 A Christian WILL Want to 1.Thank God for what one has and use it faithfully for the family, for the church, and for those in need. 2.Take care of and protect what belongs to others.

11 A Christian Gives to the LORD 1.Gladly and willingly, out of love for Jesus. 2.Regularly (each week) and confidentially. 3.A percentage of income (tithe = 10% of what God gives you is an example.)

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