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The Power of Prayer: Hannah

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1 The Power of Prayer: Hannah

2 Memory Verse “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him” ~(1 Samuel 1: 17)

3 What Does it Mean to Pray?
Prayer is a time when we are talking to God. Every prayer that we send to God He hears, no matter how long or short, no matter how deep, and no matter where we are. Because God hears all of our prayers, we must remember to make every prayer important. Do not pray half-heartedly to God, and remember that God is in front of you when you pray.

4 Forms of Prayer There are three forms of payer: Praise and glorify God
Give thanks to God Ask of things from God

5 Hannah and Peninnah There was a man named Elkanah, who had two wives: Hannah and Peninnah Every year, Elkanah would sacrifice offerings to the Lord. He would give portions to Peninnah and her children Even though Hannah had no children, Elkanah gave Hannah a double portion for her to offer because of his love towards her. Peninnah, however, used to gloat in front of Hannah because she had children. Children were important at the time because it meant that the Messiah could come from their family line.

6 Hannah’s Prayer In her misery, Hannah prayed to God in front of the temple. She said, “O LORD of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the LORD all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head.”

7 Eli The Priest Eli was watching Hannah, but he did not see her mouth move. Prayer does not have to be out loud. Hannah’s prayer came from her heart. He thought she was drunk and told her that the temple is no place for the drunk. Hannah told Eli that she was praying out of her misery, and Eli blessed her, saying, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him.”

8 Hannah’s Son In time, Hannah conceived and gave birth to her son.
She named him Samuel, meaning “heard from God” Hannah’s great faith in God and her deep and solemn prayer was heard. But Hannah remembered the promise she made…

9 Samuel Consecrated to the Lord
When Samuel became old enough, Hannah fulfilled her vow to God by sending her son to the temple to serve the Lord for the rest of his life. Samuel grew up to become a great priest and prophet.

10 Hannah Gives Thanks Imagine giving up your only son. How would you feel at that time? Hannah praised God and thanked Him for remembering her.

11 Always Giving Thanks We must always remember in our prayers to praise and give thanks to God, for God has given us all things and always provides for us. Even in tough times or in times when we are angry, we must remember that God had given us good times as well, and we should, as good soldiers of Christ, endure all hardship. Every service in the church, even funerals, starts with the Prayer of Thanksgiving.

12 Watch Hannah and the Story of Samuel Online!!!

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