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APPROXIMATE NEAREST NEIGHBOR QUERIES WITH A TINY INDEX Wei Wang, University of New South Wales 1 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "APPROXIMATE NEAREST NEIGHBOR QUERIES WITH A TINY INDEX Wei Wang, University of New South Wales 1 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 APPROXIMATE NEAREST NEIGHBOR QUERIES WITH A TINY INDEX Wei Wang, University of New South Wales 1 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

2 Outline  Overview of Our Research  SRS: c-Approximate Nearest Neighbor with a tiny index [PVLDB 2015]  Conclusions 2 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

3 Research Projects  Similarity Query Processing  Keyword search on (Semi-) Structured Data  Graph  Succinct Data Structures 3 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

4 NN and c-ANN Queries  Definitions  A set of points, D = ∪ i=1 n {O i }, in d-dimensional Euclidean space (d is large, e.g., hundreds)  Given a query point q, find the closest point, O*, in D  Relaxed version: Return a c-ANN point: i.e., its distance to q is at most c*Dist(O*, q) May return a c-ANN point with at least constant probability 4 NN = a c-ANN = x x D = {a, b, x} aka. (1+ ε )-ANN 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

5 Applications and Challenges  Applications  Feature vectors: Data Mining, Multimedia DB  Fundamental geometric problem: “post-office problem”  Quantization in coding/compression  …  Challenges  Curse of Dimensionality / Concentration of Measure Hard to find algorithms sub-linear in n and polynomial in d  Large data size: 1KB for a single point with 256 dims 5 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

6 Existing Solutions  NN:  O(d 5 log(n)) query time, O(n 2d + δ ) space  O(dn 1- ε (d) ) query time, O(dn) space  Linear scan: O(dn/B) I/Os, O(dn) space  (1+ ε )-ANN  O(log(n) + 1/ ε (d-1)/2 ) query time, O(n*log(1/ ε )) space  Probabilistic test  remove exponential dependency on d Fast JLT: O(d*log(d) + ε -3 log 2 (n)) query time, O(n max(2, ε ^-2) ) space LSH-based: Õ(dn ρ +o(1) ) query time, Õ(n 1+ ρ +o(1) + nd) space ρ = 1/(1+ ε ) + o c (1) 6 LSH is the best approach using sub-quadratic space Linear scan is (practically) the best approach using linear space & time 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

7 Approximate NN for Multimedia Retrieval 7  Cover-tree  Spill-tree  Reduce to NN search with Hamming distance  Dimensionality reduction (e.g., PCA)  Quantization-based approaches (e.g., CK-Means) 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

8 Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH)  Equality search  Index: store o into bucket h(o)  Query: retrieve every o in the bucket h(q), verify if o = q  LSH  ∀ h ∈ LSH-family, Pr[ h(q) = h(o) ] ∝ 1/Dist(q, o) h :: R d  Z technically, dependent on r  “Near-by” points (blue) have more chance of colliding with q than “far- away” points (red) 8 LSH is the best approach using sub-quadratic space 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

9 LSH: Indexing & Query Processing  Index  For a fixed r sig(o) = h 1 (o), h 2 (o), …, h k (o) store o into bucket sig(o)  Iteratively increase r  Query  Search with a fixed r Retrieve and “verify” points in the bucket sig(q) Repeat this L times (boosting)  Galloping search to find the first good r 9 Reduce Query Cost Const Succ. Prob. Const Succ. Prob. Incurs additional cost + only c 2 quality guarantee Incurs additional cost + only c 2 quality guarantee 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

10 Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH)  Standard LSH  c 2 -ANN  binary search on R(c i, c i+1 )-NN problems  LSH on external memory  LSB-forest [SIGMOD’09, TODS’10] : A different reduction from c 2 -ANN to a R(c i, c i+1 )-NN problem  C2LSH [SIGMOD’12] : Do not use composite hash keys Perform fine-granular counting number of collisions in m LSH projections 10 O((dn/B) 0.5 ) query, O((dn/B) 1.5 ) space O((dn/B) 0.5 ) query, O((dn/B) 1.5 ) space O(n*log(n)/B) query, O(n*log(n)/B) space O(n*log(n)/B) query, O(n*log(n)/B) space O(n/B) query, O(n/B) space O(n/B) query, O(n/B) space SRS (Ours) 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

11 Weakness of Ext-Memory LSH Methods  Existing methods uses super-linear space  Thousands (or more) of hash tables needed if rigorous  People resorts to hashing into binary code (and using Hamming distance) for multimedia retrieval  Can only handle c, where c = x 2, for integer x ≥ 2  To enable reusing the hash table (merging buckets)  Valuable information lost (due to quantization)  Update? (changes to n, and c) 11 Dataset SizeLSB-forestC2LSH + SRS (Ours) Audio, 40MB1500 MB127 MB2 MB 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

12 SRS: Our Proposed Method  Solving c-ANN queries with O(n) query time and O(n) space with constant probability  Constants hidden in O() is very small  Early-termination condition is provably effective  Advantages:  Small index  Rich-functionality  Simple  Central idea:  c-ANN query in d dims  kNN query in m-dims with filtering  Model the distribution of m “stable random projections” 12 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

13 2-stable Random Projection 13  Let D be the 2-stable random projection = standard Normal distribution N (0, 1)  For two i.i.d. random variables A ~ D, B ~ D, then x*A + y*B ~ (x 2 +y 2 ) 1/2 * D  Illustration V r1r1 V.r 1 ~ N (0, ǁ v ǁ ) V.r 2 ~ N (0, ǁ v ǁ ) r2r2 V 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

14 Dist(O) and ProjDist(O) and Their Relationship 14  z 1 ≔ V, r 1 ~ N (0, ǁ v ǁ )  z 2 ≔ V, r 2 ~ N (0, ǁ v ǁ )   z 1 2 +z 2 2 ~ ǁ v ǁ 2 * χ 2 m  i.e., scaled Chi-squared distribution of m degrees of freedom  Ψ m (x): cdf of the standard χ 2 m distribution O in d dims (z 1, … z m ) in m dims m 2-stable random projections V=Dist(O) r1r1 V.r 1 ~ N (0, ǁ v ǁ ) Q O V.r 2 ~ N (0, ǁ v ǁ ) r2r2 V=Dist(O) Q O Proj(O) Proj(Q) ProjDist(O) Dist(O) ProjDist(O) 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

15 LSH-like Property 15  Intuitive idea:  If Dist(O 1 ) ≪ Dist(O 2 ) then ProjDist(O 1 ) < ProjDist(O 2 ) with high probability  But the inverse is NOT true NN object in the projected space is most likely not the NN object in the original space with few projections, as Many far-away objects projected before the NN/cNN objects But we can bound the expected number of such cases! (say T)  Solution  Perform incremental k-NN search on the projected space till accessing T objects  + Early termination test 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

16 Indexing 16  Finding the minimum m  Input n, c, T ≔ max # of points to access by the algorithm  Output m : # of 2-stable random projections T’ ≤ T: a better bound on T m = O(n/T). We use T = O(n), so m = O(1) to achieve linear space index  Generate m 2-stable random projections  n projected points in a m-dimensional space  Index these projections using any index that supports incremental kNN search, e.g., R-tree  Space cost: O(m * n) = O(n) 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

17 SRS- αβ (T, c, p τ ) 17  Compute proj(Q)  Do incremental kNN search from proj(Q) for k = 1 to T  Compute Dist(O k )  Maintain O min = argmin 1≤i≤k Dist(O i )  If early-termination test (c, p τ ) = TRUE BREAK  Return O min // stopping condition α // stopping condition β c = 4, d = 256, m = 6, T = 0.00242n, B = 1024, p τ =0.18 Index = 0.0059n, Query = 0.0084n, succ prob = 0.13 Early-termination test: Early-termination test: 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar Main Theorem: SRS- αβ returns a c-NN point with probability p τ -f(m,c) with O(n) I/O cost Main Theorem: SRS- αβ returns a c-NN point with probability p τ -f(m,c) with O(n) I/O cost

18 Variations of SRS- αβ (T, c, p τ ) 18  Compute proj(Q)  Do incremental kNN search from proj(Q) for k = 1 to T  Compute Dist(O k )  Maintain O min = argmin 1≤i≤k Dist(O i )  If early-termination test (c, p τ ) = TRUE BREAK  Return O min // stopping condition α // stopping condition β 1. SRS- α 2. SRS- β 3. SRS- αβ (T, c’, p τ ) Better quality; query cost is O(T) Best quality; query cost bounded by O(n); handles c = 1 Better quality; query cost bounded by O(T) 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar All with success probability at least p τ

19 Other Results 19  Can be easily extended to support top-k c-ANN queries (k > 1)  No previous known guarantee on the correctness of returned results  We guarantee the correctness with probability at least p τ, if SRS- αβ stops due to early-termination condition  ≈100% in practice (97% in theory) 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

20 Analysis 20 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

21 Stopping Condition α 21  “near” point: the NN point  its distance ≕ r  “far” points: points whose distance > c * r  Then for any κ > 0 and any o:  Pr[ProjDist(o)≤ κ *r | o is a near point] ≥ ψ m ( κ 2 )  Pr[ProjDist(o)≤ κ *r | o is a far point] ≤ ψ m ( κ 2 /c 2 ) Both because ProjDist 2 (o)/Dist 2 (o) ~ χ 2 m  Pr[the NN point projected before κ *r] ≥ ψ m ( κ 2 )  Pr[# of bad points projected before κ *r < T] > (1 - ψ m ( κ 2 /c 2 )) * (n/T)  Choose κ such that P1 + P2 – 1 > 0  Feasible due to good concentration bound for χ 2 m P1 P2 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

22 Choosing κ 22  Let c = 4  Mode = m – 2  Blue: 4  Red: 4*(c 2 ) = 64 κ *r 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

23 ProjDist(O T ): Case I 23 ProjDist(O T ) ProjDist(o) in m-dims O min = the NN point Consider cases where both conditions hold (re. near and far points)  P1 + P2 – 1 probability 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

24 ProjDist(O T ): Case II 24 ProjDist(O T ) ProjDist(o) in m-dims O min = a cNN point Consider cases where both conditions hold (re. near and far points)  P1 + P2 – 1 probability 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

25 Early-termination Condition ( β ) 25  Omit the proof here  Also relies on the fact that the squared sum of m projected distances follows a scaled χ 2 m distribution  Key to  Handle the case where c = 1 Returns the NN point with guaranteed probability Impossible to handle by LSH-based methods  Guarantees the correctness of top-k cANN points returned when stopped by this condition No such guarantee by any previous method 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

26 Experiment Setup 26  Algorithms  LSB-forest [SIGMOD’09, TODS’10]  C2LSH [SIGMOD’12]  SRS-* [VLDB’15]  Data  Measures  Index size, query cost, result quality, success probability 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

27 Datasets 27 5.6PB 369GB 16GB 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

28 Tiny Image Dataset (8M pts, 384 dims) 28  Fastest: SRS- αβ, Slowest: C2LSH  Quality the other way around  SRS- α has comparable quality with C2LSH yet has much lower cost.  SRS-* dominates LSB- forest 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

29 Approximate Nearest Neighbor 29  Empirically better than the theoretic guarantee  With 15% I/Os of linear scan, returns NN with probability 71%  With 62% I/Os of linear scan, returns NN with probability 99.7% 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

30 Large Dataset (0.45 Billion) 30 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

31 Summary 31  c-ANN queries in arbitrarily high dim space  kNN query in low dim space  Our index size is approximately d/m of the size of the data file  Opens up a new direction in c-ANN queries in high- dimensional space  Find efficient solution to kNN problem in 6-10 dimensional space 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

32 Q&A 32 Similarity Query Processing Project Homepage: 6/26/14 NICTA Machine Learning Research Group Seminar

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